~ Chapter 4 ~

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Having dealt with enough ass pulled cringe for one day, Lime pulled herself together and got up from the dirty sidewalk. Looking around, trying to see if Haruka had also been forced to have a fine dining experience with an a la carte menu featuring the side walk as the main dish, She saw her beloved Shizuku's beloved had gone back to the café, tearing down what looked like her third parfait as the waiter looked like he genuinely regretted his life choices.




Making her way inside once again she yells "HARUKA WHAT THE F-" before being cut off by a mitsubishi fuso canter truck, (The FUSO Canter 8.55 t offers an outstanding payload balance with its almost 6 t chassis load capacity and a permissible gross train weight (GVW) of up to 12.05 t.

The Canter 8.55 t offers the typical compact dimensions of a light truck, which make it agile and easy to manoeuvre. Moreover, depending on the configuration, it has an extremely low tare weight – 2,565 kg with a wheelbase of 3,400 mm – without sacrificing stability.

This is ensured by its robust steel ladder frame, which, with a frame width of 850 mm that is continuous across all models, enables a chassis load capacity of almost 6 t and ensures greater roll stability. High maximum axle loads – 3,100 kg on the front axle and up to 5,800 kg on the rear axle – complete the solid design of the Canter 8.55 t.

Due to its advantageous front-wheel drive design, the Canter 8.55 t has the most compact overall dimensions comparatively. Especially with longer body dimensions – maximum 7.2 m – a definite advantage over vans with a nose. The Canter 8.55 t offers a clear benefit in manoeuvrability with just as many – up to 15 – pallet spaces. Additionally, the Canter 8.55 t can offer up to 3.5 t towing capacity.

In the Canter 8.55 t, the DUONIC® 2.0 dual-clutch transmission is fitted as standard. It stands for a comfortable driving experience and smooth gearshifts without tractive effort interruption.) swiftly heading right for the café front, effectively targeting Lime in the process too.  Experiencing the feeling of being caved in by the force of the truck for the third time surely wasn't a fun one, nor one that anyone could get used to, though getting hit by a mitsubishi fuso canter again does make for a shitty repeatable joke without any other meaning than to increase the word count on some fanfic just because the author promised a minimum of 1k words that totally isn't this one. 

Time feeling as if it had slowed down, Lime could feel the mitsubushi fuso canter truck ever so slightly moving forward, feeling the slow and soul crushing feeling of being crushed by an almost 12 ton vehicle without being able to escape it's once again inevitable grip. She screamed in pain as she could feel every point of contact from the mitsubishi fuco canter truck, caving her in and bringing her to the ground, only to be finally entangled within it's wheels. Lime's body lied mangled on the ground as she took her last breath, once again. Haruka ran out of the now front-less café, panicked as one would be upon seeing their loved one getting crushed by a mitsubishi fuso canter truck, obviously, dropping to her knees as Shizuku's body was mangled beyond recognition Haruka couldn't make sense of what was happening. Trying to pick herself up although almost certainly failing to do so, She tried to look at the driver's window to see what sort of monster would do such a thing to HER babygirl. 

A minute or so after the impact, hatsune miku busted out of the ever so infamous mitsubishi fuso canter truck with booze in her hand. Sluggishly moving towards to nearest lamp post for support, she yelled "DEATH TO AMERICA" as an american flag appeared behinf her, burning to the ground, and a bald eagle let out an american style shriek while the american anthem starts playing. She proceeded to sekai de ichiban ohimesama to the next neighbourhood ,while chugging said booze, leaving Haruka probably scarred for life and questioning what in the actual fuck she just saw. 




This time Lime woke up in what looked like a limbo between life and death itself. Being met with constant demise, was this it? Did Lime finally pass on? was she finally free of the fucking mistubushi fuso canter truck curse? 

Lime wandered around for a bit, routinely checking her reflection in the water below to see if anything changed, only to be met with the face of the character she so dearly loved. The realisation hit her, the one thing she loved so dearly was the thing causing her pain and misery. was it because she wished she could be with Shizuku that badly that she suffers so greatly now that she got what she wanted? Lime couldn't think like that, it was Shizuku we're talking about here, that possibly couldn't be the cause of her pain. Surely she got cursed by a mitsubishi fuso canter at some point in her life! at least that's what Lime thought, we already knew that Lime is a delusional denegrate.




After what seemed like an eternity of wandering around an empty space, Lime had finally found something. It was a Mitsubishi fuso canter truck. It seemed as if the fuso canter truck was waiting for Lime. Standing right in front of the fuso canter truck,  Lime had finally gathered the courage to face it head on and spew what boiled over in the head time and time again ever since she became Shizuku. " What didja just call me, mate? I'll have ya know I graduated top of my class in the Australian Army, and I've been involved in numerous beer sculling contests in Carlton, and I have over 300 slabs of XXXX drunk. I am trained in vocal abuse towards umpires and I am the top snag eater in the entire city of Carlton. You are nothing to me but a Collingwood fan. I will drop ya the fuck out with VB bottles the likes of which has never been smashed before on this Earth, mark my fucking words, mate. Ya think ya can get away with saying that bullshit to me over the Internet? Think again, mate. As we speak I am contacting Malcolm Turnbull and the Australian Federal Police and your IP is being traced right now so ya better prepare for the thunder, mate. The thunder that wipes out the pathetic little thing ya call your life. You're fucking dead, prick. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can drop you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with by smashed bottle of VB and a cricket bat. Not only am I extensively trained in dropping pricks, but I have access to the entire shed of cricket bats of the Melbourne Cricket Ground and I will use it to its full extent to hit ya for out of the outback, you prick. If only ya coulda known what bullshit your little "clever" backchat was about ta bring down upon ya, maybe ya woulda held your fucking tongue. But ya couldn't, ya didn't, and now you're paying the price, mate. I will shit fury all over ya and you're gonna drown in it. You're fucking dead, mate." She said to the fuso canter truck in the most aussie accent possible. Lime was scared of the truck no more, all she wanted was vengeance for her multiple deaths that were caused due to this, and only this, specific model of a mitsubishi fuso canter.  

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