VI. invisible

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"We could be a beautiful, miracle, unbelievable Instead of just invisible"

When I arrive to calculus, I'm met with a smile from Noah. I grit my teeth at him, furious and giving him nothing but a glare.

"Are you okay?" He furrows his brows. "Never better." I huff, placing my Prada handbag down in front of my desk. It's my most recent promotional deal, my publicist got me a partnership with them. It's pretty good I guess, but I hate how whenever I go out now I have to be draped in products even going to school.

"Hey! Hawthorne! Is it true what Kassidy's been saying?" Tristan from the back of the class yells. "Which is what exactly?" I call back.

"That Richard Nelson handcuffed you to the bleachers and fucked you up the ass?" Someone else chimes in. The class is echoed with laughs, waiting for my reaction.

"And what's Nelson saying to all this?" I smirk back to all of them.

"He said you took it like a bitch and passed out." Someone says with a low laugh.

"Interesting... Well I can't say he's ever handcuffed me on the bleachers and done me up the ass, but last year when he tried to get with me his 3 inch dick certainly did not make me pass out." I shrug innocently.

"You seriously got with Richard Nelson?" Tristan gapes at me with a mocking laugh.

"Course she did. She's got with every guy in school, just wait til she starts making her way round teachers." Maja Thatchers laughs from the other side of the class. Jokes on you, I've already got with a teacher.

"Maja!" Noah booms at her angrily. Noah and Maja are twins, I mean they don't look similar at all and they have completely different personalities and friends. 

"Careful Noah, her legs are literally spreading just looking at you." Maja taunts.

"No, my legs only spread for your Dad... Wait never mind, your Dad left didn't he." I frown sarcastically.

Her jaw drops as she stares at me in shock, I hear Noah chortle beside me.

"Least I had one in the first place. And at least my brother and I share one. Your whore of a Mom couldn't close her legs just like you." She fires back defensively.

"Yeah I guess the apple really doesn't fall far from the tree does it? Same goes for you i'm sure, your Mom got a boob job, so you did. Didn't you?" I jab.

Her cheeks glow red, knowing she only heard one person that, Kassidy. But she made the mistake of telling her in the locker rooms when I was close enough to overhear their whispers.

"I heard you got an F on that test. I guess this class must be hard for you, so many big numbers. All of them must remind you of your body count." She tuts.

"Yeah, and what's your body count again Virgin Mary?" I tease.

"You know like 20% of people have an STI. Which means you are bound to have like all of them at this point. I mean chlamydia, gonorrhoea, herpes, HPV, aids." Maja lists. 

Meanwhile, our teacher just types on his computer ignoring our very public teasing argument. The rest of the class laugh and cheer when one of us says something particularly funny.

"Maja! That's quite enough. Spencer's STI's are none of our business." Mr Harrison finally speaks up, making the whole class burst out laughing and my cheeks glow red.

"I don't have an STI!" I intervene defensively.

"But if you did. You shouldn't be shamed. This is a safe space." My teacher announces, clearly enjoying the way everyone is laughing at his jokes.

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