V. nothing new

873 26 58

"Criticize the way you fly

When you're soaring through the sky"

I hooked up with my gym teacher. It's not that dramatic technically, he's only five years older. I'm the age of consent in Texas. There's really no problems. Mr Jenkins watches me redress myself.

"Holy shit." He murmurs, staring blankly at his paperwork wondering how he can just go back to filling out forms after that.

"Yeah I get that a lot." I laugh, tying my tie in his laptop reflection. 

"You can't tell anyone." He insists firmly. "Yes sir." I scoff as I pull a lost and found blazer over my shoulders.

"Seriously Hawthorne, this isn't some joke. You can't tell anyone." He raises his voice a little. I almost let myself flinch at his unexpected tone but wouldn't dare let him have that kind of power over me.

"Sure, i won't tell anyone." I assure him. "No friends, no parents, nobody. Especially not those brothers, they'd hunt me down and kill me." He half jokes.

"I have no friends or parents to tell. And my brothers and I don't tell each other that kinda shit." I joke. 

"Fuck. I'm late for third period." Mr Jenkins mutters to himself, gathering the paperwork in a pile and then standing and walking to the door.

"You okay to see yourself out?" He asks, I nod and watch him leave.

And then he's gone. I'm on my own in the office of my teacher who just fucked me.

I grab my gym clothes and shove them into my backpack along with the wet clothes already in there.

The rest of the day goes by painfully slowly, I spend lunch in the bathroom confused about what the fuck just happened. And then I head to my last class of the day, calculus, also known as my worst class. I get by in the other ones with high scores but this is the one that always stumps me.

Sitting in my usual seat, the class is set out pretty weird. A desk of three people rowed up, luckily at the start of the year I scored the only row with nobody on either side of me. 

I watch Avery Kylie Grambs step inside. The teacher instructs her to sit in one of the only spare seat which is beside me. I make my disapproval known and let out a groan as I slouch in my seat. 

"Seriously?" I call out with disgust. "Yes, Miss Hawthorne. 'Seriously'. And we have another new student joining us today. A student who showed promise in a precalculus workshop last month. He should be here any minute now." Mr Harrison announces to the class. 

I let out an audible groan when I see Noah Thatcher walk inside. My little brother's best friend. He's our age. "Welcome Mr Thatcher." Our teacher directs him to the seat beside me. 

When Noah notices me he doesn't look so tense, like he's happy to have a familiar face in this class, even though I know for a fact he knows everyone else too.

"Please make Noah here feel very welcome, it's scary coming into a new class with unfamiliar classmates." Mr Harrison announces. 

"Only scary thing in this class is Spencer's body count." A guy called Michael shouts out from the back, earning some laughs from the rest of the class.

"You didn't seem to mind when I fucked you on your Dallas Cowboy bedsheets last month." I fire back, turning around to watch his cheeks glow red. 

All his friends 'ooh' and tease him. Mr Harrison looks towards me, "Do you think that's appropriate for school?" He warns.

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