IV. cold as you

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"And now that I'm sittin' here thinkin' it through

I've never been anywhere cold as you"

I managed to avoid Avery for the rest of the weekend without struggle, she mostly kept to herself and so did I. 

After a painful job waking up on Monday morning I manage and get myself ready into the awful burgundy school uniform. I untuck my long hair from beneath the blazer and head out, bag over my left shoulder.

I rush into my security guards SUV and we head away just the two of us.

"Have a good day at school kid." Dean Albro speaks kindly, reaching out a fist towards me for a fist bump.

His dark blue eyes shining in the sunlight behind his long eyelashes. He covers his eyes with a pair of dark shades.

I reciprocate the fist bump and smile kindly, "Later." I smile positively, jumping out of the car and walking inside the large building.

On my way inside I give a pressed lip smile to a few acquaintances who I know through family connections. I know practically everyone through family connections. 

I make my way towards my first class of the day, advanced physical education. Which is basically the fancy name for gym class.

In the locker rooms I head to the back corner, not wanting to face any of that awkward small talk whilst getting changed. The rest of my class piles inside and we all start getting dressed. 

Usual gossip is passed around the locker room: talk about boys, hookups, the new episode of some trending tv show. The sort of talk that peaks my ears but doesn't particularly interest me in any way. 

"Did you hear about Annabelle? She gave Henry a blow job." A girl with short blonde hair says, I know her name to be Kassidy Robertson. She's still wearing her uniform because she's spent too much time talking to actually get dressed.

"Is it true that Jameson fingered you behind the bleachers last Wednesday at the girls tennis tournament." The girl with bouncy brown hair replies, I know that she is Maja Thatcher – Noah's twin sister. "He didn't not do that." Kassidy Robertson laughs hysterically.

My face morphs into a disgusted one. "Fuck, his sister's right there." Kassidy hisses. 

"Yeah, she is." I groan in disgust. "Sorry, but at least you didn't hear what he did the week before that." Maja giggles to her friends. 

"Huh?" I scrunch my face in confusion. "Apparently he had a threesome with Ivory and Elizabeth in the music room." A girl with blonde hair dyed with streaky pink bottoms interjects – I don't actually know her name, I think she's new. 

"That's seriously disgusting. You shouldn't spread rumors like that about anyone, they can be really damaging. And not to mention the fact it's my brother, you're lucky it's first thing on a Monday morning and I'm too tired to pick a fight." I warn them all. 

I throw my sports bra and leggings on, jogging out and away from the whispers. 

I head into the gymnasium where the teacher has set up a game of dodgeball already. Everyone else spills inside in fits of laughter, all looking down to the blondes phone. 

When they see me they hide it, making them laugh even more.

"Alright ladies, if your last name is A-M you're on team one. Last names N-Z are team two." Mr Jenkins calls out. 

"That's not going to be equal." I glance at him like he's an idiot – which he is in all fairness. 

"Do what you're told, Hawthorne." He winks at me teasingly. Every girl in this school – and some of the guys – have a crush on him. I personally don't get the commotion, sure he's the youngest teacher in the school and has the body of a young Mark Wahlberg, sure his smile alone makes you spread your legs, but he's still not worth the attention he gets. He's only 22, which is pretty young for a teacher. Regardless of his looks, humour and charming personality, I don't think it's worth giggling every time he looks at you or refusing to wash your hand after he high-fived it. And yes, that has actually happened. 

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