II. bad blood

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"Now we got problems
And I don't think we can solve 'em"

I feel the blood in my body boil. The old man gave her all his money and me nothing? That's when it occurs to me, I was his clear favourite. He wouldn't do this willingly.

"Someone get my gun." I announce calmly, I see horror strike across Avery's face. "You don't have a gun." Xander speaks beside me. 

"Well then I'll have to fucking kill her with my bare hands." I laugh manically. I start walking towards her but Grayson puts one hand in front of my chest and pushes me back. I glare at him, "Grayson." I warn. "Spencer." He replies, challenging me. I step back with my hands raised in surrender. 

"It's fine, I'll just slit her throat while she sleeps." I smile innocently. Oren steps in front of her. "Oren, what are you doing?" Zara asks cautiously. 

"I read my letter. The old man wishes for me to continue my job for Avery." He explains bravely. "Are you fucking kidding me?" I roll my eyes and groan loudly. 

Our new guests leave with Oren and Alisa and most of us take it as an opportunity to open our letters. I look over Jameson's shoulder and see a large paragraph of words. 

I make my way to the upstairs balcony to be alone as everyone starts dispersing to their own rooms. My eyes flick back to my own letter, completely blank.

Dear Spence, 

Sincerely, TTH

I stick it up to the light just to be sure but nothing. Just blank space. 

I fold the paper when I see Jameson approaching me, he sits on the thick stone railing that my elbows rest on. 

"What does it say?" He asks eventually, his hair blowing gently with the cool evening breeze. "Nothing." I shrug off. "Well you being secretive doesn't bother me because I already know what it says." He says confidently.

"How?" I ask, going along with his sureness. "We all got the same message, all five of us." He explains.

"Really? Give me yours." I order. He takes out his folded up letter from the inside pocket to his tux. 

I read it quickly as if I'm just scanning briefly over the words but in reality I make sure to take in every word carefully. 


Better the devil you know than the one you don't - or is it? Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. All that glitters is not gold. Nothing is certain but death and taxes. There but for the grace of God go I. 

Don't judge.

- Tobias Tattersall Hawthorne

I take a deep breath, "The same, aren't they?" He asks, I nod in response. He doesn't need to know that in reality my letter is empty.

I go back to my wing, on my way I pass by the old man's portrait, making sure to stick the middle finger up to him on the way. Once I return to my room I change outfits.

I wear white denim high waisted shorts and a red bikini underneath, on top I place a baggy peach shirt. We're nearing the end of February right now however the temperature still remains hot year round in Texas.

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