Velren was fascinated by his best friend's sudden outburst, while the others around them were shocked and dumbfounded.  No one had ever said anything like that at the Games before. Velren simply laughed at their reaction while Johanna shrugged  and avoided the others' gazes. "What? They can't hurt me. There's no one left that I love." Very quickly Velren stopped laughing as the words left her. She sighed and looked behind her. "I'll get you two some water."  she said to Velren and Katniss before she made her way deeper into the jungle.

The others eventually retreated to the beach, where it was safer. Velren stood with his feet in the water at the edge of the sand. He stared absent-mindedly out to ocean and reviewed today's events in his head.

Velren's thoughts were racing, but after today he had realized one thing. But just as he was about to admit it to himself, a hand placed itself on his shoulder. He hadn't even noticed Finnick coming over to him, as he was too lost in his thoughts.

"Are you all right?" Finnick asked him worriedly and stood next to him. Velren sighed slightly and forced a smile onto his face. "Yeah, I'm fine." he replied, trying his very best at sounding convincing. "I just needed a moment to think, nothing more."

"About what?" Finnick asked him quietly, with a hint of curiosity in his voice. Velren swallowed and found the strength to say what he wanted to say. "About my brother." he began to say, taking a deep breath. "And you."

The simple yet powerful word 'you' sent a chill down Finnick's spine and made his heart beat faster. "Me?" he asked, and the corners of his mouth lifted slightly. "The-The Jabberjays." Velren explained softly. "They— it was— I heard your panic screams." he admitted before he let out a sigh and looked at Finnick, whose smile had faded and he now looked shocked.

"I love you." Finnick suddenly confessed with a warm smile before he could stop it. " I think I've always loved you, ever since the day we met. I love every part of you,your smile and eyes. I love you because of the way you have the ability to make me feel that you accept me for who I am. And I don't care if you don't feel the same way, because you have my heart for all eternity anyway. "

Velren barely blinked, his heart beating faster now. Instead of answering, Velren placed both his hands on the sides of Finnick's face, confusing him a little as he looked at him. "Velren, what're yo—" Finnick began to say, but before he could finish his question, he felt Velren's soft lips meet his passionately.

After both men had taken a second to get used to the surprise of the kiss, their lips molded together as if they were perfectly attuned to each other. Finnick had, without realizing it, wrapped his arms around his neck and gently pulled him closer, deepening the kiss.

In the meantime, Velren's hands moved to his waist while the two of them made themselves as comfortable as possible in the water and snogged. In that moment, there were fireworks, a dance of butterflies in their stomachs and an exuberance of cheesy yet fluttery feeling. They both enjoyed their first kiss to the fullest.

The atmosphere was immersed in a deep silence. A moment of hesitation passed before they reluctantly pulled away from each other. Their breaths were heavy as they urgently drew in the oxygen their lungs desperately needed after that intoxicating kiss.

"Why did you do that?" Finnick asked, unable to believe that they had just shared their first kiss. "Because I love you too." Velren confessed and  smiled at him as  he looked at him a little puzzled. "Is it so hard to believe? That I'm in love with you,Finnick Odair?"

Finnick exhaled in relief, a soft smile playing around his lips. "I'm so in love with you, Velren Black." he said before he pulled Velren back down and placed his lips on his, which were becoming an addiction now that he had tasted them for the first time.

This time, the nervousness before the first kiss seemed to have vanished, and the two immediately fell into passion as if they had been doing it for years. Finnick's fingertips found Velren's neck and began to play thoughtlessly with his dark, slightly curly hair.

Velren let his lips glide gently but insistently against Finnick's, while his warm tongue stroked Finnick's lower lip insistently, silently begging for entrance. Finnick's soft moans were muffled by Velren's mouth; he willingly opened his mouth to let Velren in, and savored every touch of his tongue, which left no corner unexplored.

After another untouchable moment, they pulled away again and this time they rested their foreheads together and smiled at each other like two lovesick teenagers.

It had barely been two minutes, but for Velren, it seemed like an eternity since he had felt the ocean taste of Finnick's lips on his own lips.  Every second without that taste only intensified his longing for it.  Finnick was screaming inwardly ; the softness of Velren's lips ignited a yearning in him that he could scarcely contain. Both wished for nothing more than to linger in this place for all eternity, captured in this unforgettable moment.

Velren and Finnick gazed deeply into each other's eyes, and simultaneously leaned towards one another once again. The kiss that ensued was of an entirely different quality than the previous ones. It was a brief moment, yet within that brevity lay an intimacy and significance.  They both smiled into the kiss and savored every shared moment, capturing each second as if they knew these precious moments were fleeting yet would remain unforgettable.

"Come on,  lovebirds!" Aurora shouted suddenly from a distance. She seemed to have no problem interrupting her older brother and his new boyfriend. "You both can cuddle, snog and do all that other sweet stuff that newly in love people like to do ,later." she added with a mischievous smile. "But right now, we have got a plan over here."


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Oh my god it happened!!!! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

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Until next time! Much love to you all!

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