Chapter 13: A flash to the past

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(Isla Sorna in 1983)

Danielle had been chosen as the director for the facilities on Sorna by some reason and with her love of dinosaurs she was happy to be there and help with the cloning and engineering of the creatures.

She worked along with her old college roommate Henry Wu and with her husband, Stephen Mayfield, Stephen was more of a businessman who oversaw the financial areas of both Sorna and nublar and Henry Wu was a scientist who worked on previous species before the dinosaurs were even brought back to existence.

The facility had scientists and ingen guards alike as Sorna was inaccessible to the general public and so if people were to go home they had to do it in secrecy.

At the time Danielle had a 4 year old Lyla at home because she thought that it was too dangerous for Lyla to come with mom and dad so she left her to the grandparents which was good.

One day Henry came to Danielle saying "hey so a hurricane is coming and I think we should evacuate the island

"Henry, don't you see we need to continue this work, cause if not the park on nublar won't open"

"Yes I understand but the Dino's may come out way if we stay here to wait out the storm" Wu said

"Then we just defend ourselves from them and show them who's boss, no harm in doing that is there?"

"I guess not" Wu said

"Think about the dollars we'll be losing if we abandon this place Henry" Stephen added

"That's true" said Wu

Later on the hurricane hit and it forced the workers to stay for a bit until it passed and this is where Danielle fell sick and other events had happened, she got wu to escape and go but because of the hurricanes some of the dinosaurs needed a shelter and the raptors and compys were decided to invade the shelter, the raptors being territorial and hunters decided some of the workers would be food.

Danielle had tried to help them but her energy was low and she tried getting a pack of compys off a guard and succeeded only for one of them to bite her foot and cause an open wound.

She screamed in pain and Stephen rushed over and killed the compy with his briefcase in hand

"Honey let me get you something to cover that" he said

"No! We don't have time to, let's get to a helicopter and go!" Danielle said with worry in her voice.

It wasn't easy though as the raptors hunted her and Stephen but they managed to evade them but not without more injuries but they got to the helicopter and flew off.

They told the pilot to fly right to Colorado and took Danielle to the hospital but it was too late, she had succumbed to her injuries and died which left Stephen in more pain then he already had.

He realized he now had to take care of a daughter who he knew nothing about how to raise a girl especially when she reached her teen years and he didn't think his in laws would be too happy and put the blame on him for everything but he decided he would eventually try but he also made the wrong choice of doing it while taking drugs and drinking too much.

(Present day 1997)

Peter had read the whole report and he now had something that would restrict Lyla from becoming a leader because of her mother's actions and some research into her father. The only thing standing in his way now would maybe be Alan Grant but he knew of a way to convince ingen and the others about this park of his.

AN: I apologize for this chapter if it wasn't the absolute best but it was what I could think of and I'll say next chapter will probably save it if you didn't like this one.

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