chapter three

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I watched as valentino sat next to me and gave me a few bags. "Try them on as soon as we get back~" he said with a bit of lust on his voice. I nodded and turned away. It wasn't long before the limo came to a stop.

I was made to step out first so I did. I stood to the side to let velvette and Valentino crawl out the limo. Velvette linked her arm with mine and walked into the building.

We made it to my room and she gave me a few bags, some fluffy stuff poking from the top, "Here, try these on!"
I nodded and took the bags and walked into my room.

I opened one of the bags to reveal a fluffy lined skirt and a pink shirt with fluffy cuffs. I slipped the outfit on and gave myself a look in the mirror. Damn I looked hot. there was a second bag where it was a fishnet crop top with a too-short-skirt. There was fishnets with skulls and thigh high boots. Now this was the outfit I loved.

I smelt a fruity smell in my room: "You look so beautiful doll~" I heard a familiar Latino voice say, it was Valentino. I nodded, slightly weirded out that he just spawned in my room.

"I just came to bring the stuff I picked out for you." He said, his voice sounds very excited. He handed me too many bags. I nodded once more, and watch as he left the room.

I looked in the bags and there's was all kinds of stuff, pasties, lingerie, ...bras? Uh, panties, too short skirts, boots, heels, thigh high socks, fishnets, and one single cropped hoodie. Jeez. I ended up having to try everything on, alot of the lingerie was very hard to get on, some of it was even bondage, reminds me of my earth job.

I came out the room in the outfit that velvette picked out. And went to go tell her I tried them on, I knocked on her door; "Velvette? Im done changing..."

There was no answer until I felt a hand on my shoulder, "Velvette went on a fabric run mi amor, mymy.. you look ravishing" he said a bit seductively.

I blushed at his comment, "thanks.." I said sheepishly. "Say.. why don't we get to know each other, you like drinks right?" He asked, I nodded. he motioned me to follow him so I did...

We ended up In a elevator, we headed to the first floor, before I could step out the elevator, I felt two hands grab me and pick me up. "My darling, you are quite short~" Valentino said up to my ear.

We walked into a club like place, it was crowded with people and stages, music blaring. We came to a area that said 'V.I.P.' he sat me down in a booth. He whistled for a  waiter and asked for two drinks..

"Estúpidos diablillos de mierda... well my carijo, drinks will be here soon~ now.. tell me more about yourself.." he cooed. I cleared my throat, "well! I um, I'm twenty one, and I don't really remember anything from my life-" I said before getting hit with a flashback.

I was backstage getting ready as I heard my boss yell my name, I quickly dropped my things and ran to them, "y/n, you were supposed to be on stage 5 minutes ago you slut!!" B/n shouts (boss's name). I quickly run back and check myself out in the mirror, trying to quit trembling. I took a deep breath and walked on stage.

Cheers were loud and people were throwing money at me. I twirled around the pole and did a few dances and moves until my shift was over, i was exiting the stage as I felt a rough hand on my shoulder, some drunk guy was trying me, i pushed him off of me and went backstage. I felt a big arm pulled me in a dressing room, "DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH FUCKING MONRY YOURE MSKIMG ME LOSE RIGHT NOW? YOUR FUCKING PERFORMANCE WAS SHIT!!!" B/n said as they slapped me.

They kept beating me til I could hardly move, I watched him leave the dressing room as i struggled but managed to get up. I limped out the dressing room and out the back door. I grabbed a baggie of white powder out of my pocket and snorted way more than I was supposed to. I felt woozy and I decided to lay down in a alley, too tired to walk home. I ended up falling into a eternal sleep..
End of flashback

I heard someone calling my voice but I was to stuck in my thoughts when I felt a hand on my face, "y/n.. Y/N!!" Valentino yelled with a bit of venom in his voice, he had his hand on my cheek. I nodded, "good~ drinks are here!" He said as he gave me my drink, it was a purplish pink color with hearts swirling around. I took a sip of it and felt instantly addicted, it was strong but delicious..

"So doll, go back to what you were saying" Valentino said. "Well.. I was a famous stripper in my years on earth" I said, trying to remember the rest of the flashback. valentinos eyes practically lit up when I said I had a job as a stripper.

"So you are experienced! Well y/n.. how would you like to work for me..?"

End of chapter

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