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Appa landed as Toph immediately jumped off the bison and landed on her knees to touch dirt again.

"Land, flying is a nightmare," Toph groaned laying on the ground as everyone started unload seeing the camp of water tribe and white lotus close by. Zuko held his twins hands as they walked down appas tail together and Zuko went back up to help unload.

"Yea I rather just walk," aito crouched down to the blind bender agreeing.

"But it was so fun!" Ren jumped on his brothers back excitedly, but made them both fall to the ground.

"Boys! Catch!" Zuko called tossing their bags to them and Ren jumped back to his feet to catch his bag but ducked before aito's bag hit him.

"You need better aim pops," Ren looked behind him.

"Is appa staying here?" Aito asked as he grabbed his bag and went to hold his fathers hand and stayed close.

"He's just going to rest up while we go to the camp," Sokka smiled at him and the child nodded.

Sokka and Suki walked ahead as everyone followed to the camp, the twins held each others hand as Zuko walked behind them, the twins were anxious whenever they held each others hand, never being this far from home and going to meet so many new people. They stayed close.

"Hey kids!" They heard from ahead and saw Bumi waving while Hakoda was waiting for his children.

"Good to see you again Katara," Hakoda walked up and hugged his daughter tightly.

"You too dad, I missed you," Katara hugged him tightly around the shoulders.

Hakoda looked over seeing Zuko and the twins, aito perked up waving at the chief, ren gasped excitedly as well. Hakoda smiled back at his grandsons but looked at Katara concerned.

"Have you told the boys?" Hakoda whispered to her.

"No, Sokka doesn't know either, only toph, Zuko doesn't want them knowing yet," Katara whispered back a little guilty for keeping such a secret.

"Well who are these little warriors? Zuko got some twins?" Hakoda walked over and knelt in front of the boys as Zuko let out a relieved breath.

"Aito and Ren," Zuko told him trying to play it off.

"Nice to meet you two, look like a strong young men, bet you can really steer a ship," Hakoda held out his hand and aito giggled shaking his hand.

"I've never been on a boat," aito smiled as Ren came over excited at the familiar man.

"Can we go on a boat?!" Ren asked.

"Well as chief Hakoda of the southern water tribe I think I can arrange that," he chuckled at the boys.

"Do you have like a navy and everything?" Ren asked wide eyes.

"And everything," Hakoda nodded as he stood up.

Aito hugged the man in greeting as they have in the past, Hakoda smiled hugging his grandson back, he opened his arms and ren jumped to hug him as well.

"So who's the lucky lady you knocked up kiddo?" Bumi cackled as Zuko blushed embarrassed at the bluntness of the king.

"She's not around," Zuko shrugged but glanced at Katara. "It wasn't anything to special,"

Her eye twitched in irritation, he knew it would get under her skin.

"What happens if your dad gets a girlfriend and she try's to be your mama? It will happen eventually?" Bumi raised a brow as they walked into the camp.

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