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"Papapapapapa look!" Ren yelled as Zuko was making the twins breakfast. Aito sat on the couch with some tea and a blanket around him. Zuko looked at his kid and watched him do a cartwheel.

"How'd you learn that?" Zuko asked as he cut up some fruit for aito to snack on and saw he barely touched his tea.

"Yuna taught me how to do a handstand too!" Ren giggled. Zuko gave a thumbs up with a smile.

"Papa my head hurts," aito rubbed his freckled nose.

"I know, drink your tea it'll make you feel better, there's honey," Zuko looked at him softly and saw him sip it. Ren went over to Zuko as he was given a bowl of cut up strawberries and bananas as well as some toasted bread for breakfast.

"When is aito going to feel better?" Ren asked worried for his brother.

"Hopefully soon bud, it's the flu, your whole body hurts and you aren't that hungry, it's not fun, you got sick like this a couple years ago too," Zuko sighed walking over to the couch and sat with aito as Ren sat on the ground to eat.

"Hey Zuko, you up?" Sokka knocked on the door. Aito laid down in zukos lap as Zuko took his tea and set it down.

"Come in," he sighed rubbing aitos head gently.

"Hi," aito waved as his voice was raspy.

"Hi, how you feeling?" Sokka smiled gently as the girls looked over at the family of three.

"Not good," aito sniffled as he snuggled against Zuko.

"Fever still," Zuko told them as he ran his fingers through his son's hair.

"Aw poor guy," Suki put a hand on her chest.

"Do you have jam?" Ren turned to them curiously as he held his toasted bread.


"Oh," he looked at them disappointed and turned back as the four adults were confused.

"He likes jam," Zuko sighed a little at his weird kid.

"I like jam.." aito whimpered and a tear ran down his face.

"He's emotional and snuggly when he's sick," Zuko rubbed his face shaking his head seeing the others worried.

"Is this a bad time?" Katara asked softly as Ren popped a strawberry in his mouth walking up to them.

"Aren't you my pops friends?" He asked confused looking up at them calmly with his bowl to his chest.

"Yep," Toph nodded.

"Huh, I didn't think the old man had friends," he shrugged and Zuko gave him a look.

"Ren eat at the table," he rolled his eyes at the boy.

"Stupid table manners," Ren pouted.

"Sorry but if you want to talk you'll have to talk with the boys in here," Zuko pulled aito's blanket over him seeing he was shivering a little.

"So where's their mom again?" Suki asked softly. The twins looked at Zuko just as curious.

"She's fighting in the war," Ren told them before Zuko could get a word out.

"Like keeping us safe from the fire lord and fire king," aito nodded. His voice was small and shaky as he laid against Zuko, his messy dark brown hair fell in his pale freckle face as his blue eyes looked at them tiredly.

"Theyve never met her..." Zuko looked down a little as Ren ate his fruit.

"So she's..." Sokka raised a brow. "D. E. A. D?"

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