House of Realization and House of Uh-Oh

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It was about one in the morning before I realised that I was asleep on the kitchen floor, a scrubbing brush under my left hand and a bottle of soap under the right. All I could remember was washing dishes. The image of my hand circling the plates leaving streaky soap bubbles across the flat surface was seared into my brain.

I sat up and almost hit my head on two feet dangling over the side of the counter. I stood up and looked at Fabian who was hugging a dish towel. "Fabian," I whispered. No reply. "Fabian," I tried a little louder. No reply. "FABIAN!"

"WHAT?!" he rolled off the counter and straight onto the floor. He face planted the ground, but luckily, the dish towel saved his nose from being broken.

"It's one in the morning," I said, helping him up.

"Guys shut up," I heard Patricia's voice and jumped. I leaned over the other side of the counter and looked at her. She was curned up in a ball resting her head on a pot holder.

"Patricia, get up, you're in the kitchen," I said throwing an apple at her.

She sat up quickly and gasped. "No way! They worked us to sleep!" she rubbed her eyes.

"We have school tomorrow," Fabian said, "We should get to bed."

"Patricia, do you want to stay in my room? Since Amber isn't in there?" I asked, putting the soap and scrubber in the cupboard under the sink.

"Sure," she replied. We all left the kitchen in silence. When me made it out to the staircase Patricia and I  said goodnight to Fabian and then went to my room.

"Well," I said, collapsing on my bed, not caring to change, "I am going to hit the hay."

"Er, alright," Patricia seemed confused but sighed. I saw her figure collapse on the pillow. When I closed my eyes, I was out like a light.

Next morning

"OH MY ANUBIS ITS SEVEN THIRTY!" I screamed at Patricia when I saw my clock. She jumped before hurrying out of bed; she ran to her room and I opened my wardrobe and grabbed my uniform.

By the time I had gotten ready, it was 7:52. I scrambled down the stairs, grabbed my coat and hurried out the door. Patricia ran out right after me, but sprinted right past me to Eddie. I ran past to get to Fabian, but on the way I heard Patricia saying something like 'Im sorry, I was up late doing kitchen stuff! We can have dinner later!'...

"Fabian!" I screamed as I caught up to him. I almost tackled him.

"Hey, where were you?" he asked.

"Slept in on accident," I said in-between breathes. I composed myself before linking my arm in his and walking down the hallway to our class. "So I was thinking. We should go on another date together, we could have a nice dinner or something?" He looked at me with a blank expression before walking to his seat and pulling his books out. Make up your mind, Fabian.

I sat in my usual seat, but no one sat next to me. A certain sadness slapped me in the face when I remember that Amber was gone, but then I realised something. A chirp of excitement escaped my lips as I thought of a way to get everyone back. I tapped my fingers on my desk as the teacher walked in.

Patricia walked in with Eddie right as the teacher began to speak. "Take a seat." the teacher said, before turning back to the chalk board.

"Patricia," I said. She walked to the seat next to me, and sat down. "Everything okay?"

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