House of Victor and House of Truth

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Alright guys, I uploaded. I know it's short :( I had like 0 inspiration. 


Thanks for the support my fellow Sibunas...

Fabian and I sprinted back into Anubis House, searching for the rest of the Sibunas.

"Come on Fabian, we need to find Amber and Patricia!" I yelled at him as we ran through the door.

"Alright!" he replied, as I slammed straight into Victor. He looked at me at his nose scrunched with disgust.

"Victor, I am so sorry!" I said looking over his shoulder as Eddie exited from his room. "Eddie! What are you holding?!" I shouted at him and he turned to me empty-handed. I bolted for the stair-case when Victor wasnt looking, Fabian was right behind me as we ran up the stair-case.

I practically broke down the door to my room in search of Amber. Her and Patricia were sitting on the bed next to each other, chatting about Anubis-knows-what. "Guys, where is Alphie?!" I screamed at them.

"Who?" Patricia put her hand on her hip.

"I was afraid you'd say that," I said collapsing on my bed, tears strolling down my cheeks.

"I remember."

I looked up and Amber blinked at me. "You do?!"

"Yeah," she said, "Do you really think I would forget with Amphie and all?"

"What?!" Senkarah's voice was so loud we all covered our ears, "None of you are supposed to remember your Sibuna pets, except the Chosen One's Ancestor!"

"Chosen One's Ancestor?" everyone looked at me.

"Thats right," Senkarah hissed, "She is the ancestor."

All of us were standing now and slowly moving closer to each other. But before we could reach each other in the center of the room Senkarah appeared. She flicked her hand and Patricia was thrown back against the wall behind her and I was thrown back too. Fabian and Amber both slid backwards until one collided with a bookshelf and the other a wardrobe.

We all rubbed our heads. My vision was blurry but I could make out Senkarah moving toward Amber's limp figure. "You," she smiled. She waved her hand over Amber.

I got up and ran at Senkarah, but when I got to her, she dissovled into mist. I looked down. "Amber, NO!" I screamed as Fabian and Patricia began to stir. Her arm legs were crumbling away.

"Amber!" Patricia was leaning against the wall, gasping at Amber's dissolving figure.

"Get Victor," Fabian suggested. I nodded and ran down stairs.

"Victor! Vera! SOMEONE!" I screamed. Joy, Jerome, Mara, and Eddie all came out from the kitchen, with Vera trailing slightly behind. "Vera! Come hurry, Amber!"

Vera furrowed her brown before I beckoned her up the stairs to my room. She walked in, but it was too late. I looked at the black sand where Amber and been.

"What is going on?" Vera folded her arms, "I don't have time for this. You kids are all about drama." She rolled her eyes before turning on her heels and walking away.

"Fabian, Patricia, come here!" I looked at them. "Repeat after me 'As part of Sibuna I promise never to forget Nina Martin, Alphie Lewis, and Amber Millington'."

"As part of Sibuna I promised never to forget Nina Martin, Alphie Lewis, and Amber Millington." they both said.

I looked at them before breaking into tears. Fabian hugged me and I cried into his shirt. Patricia pulled up my sleeve to observe my arm.

"What?" I sniffled.

"Part of your mark is gone, there are three pieces of it missing," she said, her eyes goggled at the sight. I looked at me arm and gasped.

"Check yours!" I said to them and they pulled up their sleeves. Theirs were just like mine.

"Three parts missing, three Sibuna members missing," Fabian said.

A harsh knock came on the door and Victor opened the door angrily. "What was all the rucuss? WHAT IS THIS MESS?" he shouted. I looked around just now realizing that the bookshelf Fabian slammed into tipped on it's side, the wall had marks on it, the wardrobe was tipped over, and there were clothes and black grains of sand all over the place. 

"You are all going to clean this up and all three of you will be helping Vera in the kitchen!" Victor commanded harshly.

"Seriously?" Patricia crossed her arms against her chest.

"It was Senkarah!" Fabian said like Victor should know what he was talking about.

"You fool! Do not kid about that situation! Just for that you are all on kitchen duty for the rest of the week!" Victor turned around and slammed the door as he walked out.

We all looked at each other before sighing. 

It was going to be a long night...

The Curse of the Black Sand (House of Anubis FF Season 3)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora