Frost Invasion.

Depuis le début

Accelerator: Oh crap. I'll check on him Minigunner can you provide cover?

Minigunner: Sure.

Minigunner revved up his mini-gun and started shredding the frozen zombies while Commander was quickly trying to get his coms on because Krampus was smoking them. While that was happening Krampus was distracted playing Whack-a-mole with Commander Accelerator charged up his plasma gun and fired it at Krampus frying most of its organs. It yelled and shrieked in pain as it scrambled off the ground and flew away to god knows where.

Minigunner: Is that all of them?

Commander: Nope it just got way colder out here.. Something is coming.

A giant figure wearing light blue robes and with a blue glow coming from their eyes and a scythe that was as long as an average RV exited the portal looking down at the towers followed by atleast 10 Frost hero's.

Mortar: What..Is...That..Thing?

The hooded figure sent the Frost Hero's at the towers and they were being pushed back and they were getting injured too like a Frost Hero was swinging its sword at Commander damaging his outfit and leaving a few deep and light cuts/wounds. But before the Frost hero could finish Commander off a Sniper bullet went through the Frost Hero's head killing it instantly and Commander looked up and saw a helicopter landing. Some heavily armored trucks pulled up too.

Sniper: Cmon guys we gotta help them!

Sniper, Gladiator, Medic, and Crook Boss came out of the helicopter while some armored men (with hi-tech looking gear) came out of the trucks.

Commander: Bro what Commando you are still alive after the whole Vigilante Shmuck?

Commando: Yeah.

The towers quickly got focused on the battle and it was smooth gladiator beheaded two Frost Heros and Commando and his forces took care of the rest. But right after the last Frost hero went down the frost like spirt roared and started slamming its scythe into the ground causing it to shake aggressively and before the towers could get themselves tighter the Frost spirt spat ice breath everywhere causing many of Commandos soldiers to get frozen solid.

Commando: Oh crap that gear was expensive!

Crook Boss: What about the men?

Commando: I can replace them! That gear costed millions!

Crook Boss: Cry about it and keep fighting.

The Frost Spirt grabbed a whole hill from the ground and threw it at the towers causing a huge scatter of dirt and big rocks everywhere to confuse them as the Frost Spirt grabbed the Helicopter that landed and threw it at some of the towers causing it to explode and to injure Minigunner and Crook Boss.

Commander: Doc can you cover them!?

Medic: I'll try but this spirt with the attitude of a Florida civilian is giving us some trouble!

Commander and Commando provided cover fire as Medic dragged Minigunner and Crook Boss to their safety. The Spirt barely showed signs of damage that was until Accelerator shot a beam of Plasma severely burning the frost Spirts' arm causing it made a horrible loud scream. But Commando shot some rockets from his rocket pack on him back hitting the Frost Spirt in the chest causing it to stumble over.

Gladiator: Guys it's weakened nows our chance.

Mortar fired a shell directly onto the Frost Spirt causing it the yell in pain one more time as it slumped over into the ground with black ooze dripping out (aka its own variant of blood).

Pyromancer: Is that over?

Sniper: I think so.

The towers took a quick breather as Medic took a sample of the Frost Spirits blood and eventually they got into the spare trucks Commando brought and stared heading home.

Crook Boss: Man I cannot wait to try one of you and Swarmers cooked steak, Pyro.

Medic: Yeah it's gonna be good.

Pyromancer: Ight

The towers eventually made it back to base forgetting to close the portal the Frost Spirt got opened and had a good cookout until the night where they went to sleep.

To be Continued?

(Suggest ideas for the story if you want to lol)

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