Chapter Nineteen - The Great Plan

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Chapter Nineteen - The Great Plan

*Flashback To Alexandria Heading to the Bathroom*

Alexandria squeezed past the angel and demon, who were both standing in the doorway. The whole time she was walking to the bathroom, she couldn't contain the smile plastered on her face. Knowing that she had made Crowley flustered was quite an accomplishment in her book. She had only ever seen him flustered a few times in life, and it always appeared to be when she was around.

Once Alexandria reached the bathroom door, she held out her hand to grab the doorknob. Before she could turn the knob, a cold shiver made its way through her body. She turned back around and ran her eyes along the hallway; something didn't feel right.

Alexandria's instincts tingled with unease as she scanned the hallway, searching for any sign of danger or disturbance. Everything appeared normal at first glance, but she couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. Her heart rate quickened, and a sense of foreboding settled in the pit of her stomach.

Taking a deep breath to steady herself, Alexandria cautiously approached the bathroom door once more. She hesitated momentarily, her hand hovering over the doorknob, before finally mustering the courage to turn it and step inside.

The bathroom was dimly lit, the soft glow of the overhead light casting eerie shadows across the tiled floor. Alexandria's senses were on high alert as she moved further into the room, her eyes scanning every corner for any sign of danger.

"Silly me, I am getting myself all worked up over nothing," Alexandria spoke to herself and began to laugh.

She approached the sink and turned on the hot water faucet so she could splash water on her face. She cupped her hands under the running faucet. And bent down and splashed the water onto her face. Alexandria slowly stood back up; she wiped the water from her eyes and opened them. And was met with a chilling sight in the mirror. Instead of her reflection, she was confronted with a dark, ominous fog swirling behind her, its red eyes glaring menacingly. Fear gripped her heart as she realized she was not alone in the bathroom.

Her breath caught in her throat as she slowly turned around, her eyes wide with terror. However, no figure stood behind her; it appeared only in the mirror. The fog seemed to merge into a sinister figure, its form shifting and morphing with an otherworldly presence.

"Who... who are you?" Alexandria stammered, her voice barely above a whisper as she faced the mysterious entity in the mirror.

"I am you, of course, your deepest, darkest desires, which have been hidden in you since the beginning of time. It has finally become time for me to show you your purpose, what exactly you were created for..." The sinister voice spoke, and the fog began to morph into the appearance that was Alexandria in the vision she saw down in the lobby of the bookshop.

Alexandria's heart pounded in her chest as she stared at the figure before her, a mixture of fear and curiosity coursing through her veins. The entity's words sent a chill down her spine, and she struggled to comprehend the implications of what it was saying.

"My purpose? What do you mean?" she questioned, her voice trembling with uncertainty. She took a cautious step back, her eyes darting around the bathroom for any means of escape. But the figure seemed to loom closer, its presence oppressive and suffocating.

The entity chuckled darkly, its red eyes gleaming with malice. "Your purpose is to embrace your true nature, to fulfill the destiny that has been laid out for you since the dawn of creation," it hissed, its voice echoing with ominous resonance. "You are meant to bring about chaos and destruction, to unleash the power that lies dormant within you."

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