Chapter Nine - Full of Surprises Indeed

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Chapter Nine - Full of Surprises Indeed

As Crowley pulls up to the bookshop in his Bentley, Alexandria is nestled against his side. He finds himself admiring her peaceful form. She looks so serene in her slumber, and for a moment, he's tempted to let her continue sleeping, to shield her from the waking world a bit longer.

But knowing they have arrived at their destination, Crowley gently tries to rouse Alexandria from her sleep. She mumbles incoherently, snuggling deeper into his side, and they can't help but chuckle at her adorable response.

With a soft smile, Alexandria finally stirs, her eyes fluttering open as she gazes up at Crowley with a sleepy expression. "Are we back at the bookshop?" she asks groggily, rubbing her eyes and taking in the familiar sight of the bookshop through the window.

Crowley nods, a warmth spreading through them at the sight of her sleepy smile. "Yes, we're back," he replies softly, his voice filled with affection. "Ready to tell Aziraphale what all we found and see what they were able to discover from Heaven?"

Alexandria nods, a spark of excitement dancing in her eyes as she sits up, fully awake now and ready to embrace the challenges and mysteries that lie ahead. Together, they step out of the car and make their way toward the bookshop. Crowley grabs the door and pulls it open for Alexandria. "Let's hope this goes well. After you, little angel. You can deal with the blunt of Aziraphale being mad. He never can get mad at you for some reason. But me on the other hand..." Crowley mumbles under his breath. Crowley holds the door open for Alexandria, she smiles gratefully and steps into the bookshop, the familiar scent of old books and crackling fire welcoming her like an old friend. She turns back to Crowley, offering him a reassuring pat on the chest.

"Don't worry, I'll handle Aziraphale," she says with a playful wink, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she disappears into the warmth of the bookshop. As Crowley watches Alexandria disappear into the warmth of the bookshop, her eyes sparkling with mischief and vitality, he can't help but feel a surge of admiration and amusement.

"She's full of surprises this evening," Crowley whispers to himself, a fond smile tugging at the corners of their lips. Despite their adventure's unexpected twists and turns, he finds himself grateful for Alexandria's unwavering spirit and determination.

Inside, Aziraphale rushes down the winding staircases, his concern evident on his face as he wraps Alexandria in a tight hug, checking to ensure she's unharmed. Relief floods his features as he sees she's all right, but his expression darkens as he turns his attention to Crowley.

"Where exactly did you take her?" Aziraphale's voice carries a note of reproach, his worry palpable in the air. "I thought you were going to stay in the bookshop until I returned. I've been back from Heaven for three hours now, and there was no note or explanation. I was worried sick."

Crowley shifts uncomfortably under Aziraphale's gaze, his expression sheepish as he meets the angel's stern eyes. "It's a long story, Aziraphale," he begins, his voice tinged with regret. "We stumbled upon something important and needed to investigate further. But I assure you, Alexandria is safe, and nothing happened to her..."

"It was my fault, Aziraphale; Crowley wanted to stay in the bookshop and wait for you. But I discovered something in Heaven's reports that I thought would give us some information on Armageddon. Crowley insisted that we wait. But I was too stubborn and told them that if they didn't come with me, I would go alone and find the answers myself. I even threatened to take the Bentley without permission if he didn't come with me." Alexandria gives Aziraphale a pitiful look, hoping he will no longer be upset at Crowley.

As Alexandria confesses her role in the evening's events, Aziraphale's expression softens, his initial apprehension melting away in the face of her honesty and vulnerability. He takes her hands in his, his touch warm and reassuring, and pulls her into another embrace, his smile filled with understanding and forgiveness.

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