Chapter Sixteen - Wrapped Around You

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Chapter Sixteen - Wrapped Around You

"She's fallen asleep, hasn't she?" Aziraphale asked Crowley in a gentle tone. The trio had been sitting in the lounge area together for an hour. Crowley and Alexandria were still on the couch. Alexandria was sprawled out and leaning against his side; Crowley was running his hands through her hair. 

"Yes, she has been asleep for the past 35 minutes... I don't have the heart to wake her up. She looks so peaceful, unlike how she looked earlier, frightened beyond all imagination," said Crowley as he admired the sleeping angel tucked into his side.

"Aziraphale, she will catch on to us if we keep her locked in the bookshop and are always watching her. What do we do to keep her from knowing the truth? The truth will scare her," Crowley said quietly to Aziraphale, afraid that he would wake up Alexandria.

Aziraphale nodded in understanding, his gaze fixed on Alexandria's serene sleeping form. "Indeed, Crowley, we must tread carefully. We cannot risk alarming her or causing her undue distress. It's imperative that we find a way to protect her without revealing the full extent of the dangers surrounding her."

He paused, deep in thought, before continuing in a hushed tone, "Perhaps we could devise a plan to subtly guide her away from situations of peril without her even realizing it. We could offer her gentle guidance and support, all the while ensuring her safety remains our top priority. And if the need arises, we can intervene discreetly, shielding her from harm without her ever knowing."

Aziraphale glanced at Crowley; his expression determined yet tinged with concern. "It won't be easy, but we must do whatever it takes to keep her safe, even if it means concealing the truth from her for the time being."

"She will be furious if she finds out we have been keeping the truth from her. She can't find out Aziraphale, or it could lead her right into their hands." Crowley looked down at Alexandria's squashed face; her face was pressed into his side, and she looked quite uncomfortable. Crowley tried to readjust his body so Alexandria could find a more comfortable position. But before Crowley could stop it from happening, Alexandria tangled herself around him. She was leaving him flustered and looking at Aziraphale with a shocked expression.

Aziraphale couldn't help but suppress a chuckle at the sight of Alexandria tangled around Crowley. Despite the seriousness of their situation, he found a moment of amusement in the unexpected turn of events.

"Well, it seems she's quite comfortable with you, Crowley," Aziraphale remarked with a twinkle in his eyes. "Perhaps that's a good sign."

Crowley would never admit it out loud, but he was quite comfortable having Alexandria tangled around him. He had never felt this way about someone before and was experiencing so many emotions simultaneously. His heart was beating against his ribcage wildly, and he began to feel his palms sweat. There was a slight blush creeping on his cheeks. With each breath that Alexandria took, he could feel his stomach flip nervously. Not to mention, her perfume was driving him insane. She was intoxicating, and it left him feeling wholly crazy and powerless. The only thing he wished he could change was kicking Aziraphale out of the room so that he could have Alexandria all to himself. And not have to worry about someone else's eyes prying in on their special moment, even if it was Aziraphale, whom Crowley trusted a lot.

With a gentle sigh, Crowley shifted slightly, finding a more comfortable position for himself and Alexandria. A sense of peace washed over him as he felt her warmth against him.

Aziraphale got up from his seat and made his way around the couch.  He leaned closer to Crowley and spoke in a conspiratorial tone, "Let's not wake her just yet. We can figure out our next steps while she rests. And when she wakes, we'll approach the situation with caution."

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