Chapter 5 Thane Revard

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Inside the 5th realm. One day after the defeat of Delsyx.

Night fell in the city of Trost. At the gate to the royal estate, a man hastily got off of his horse.

"Halt, state your purpose?" One of the guards ordered.

"Colonel Tristan, I have business with the hand of the king." He shoved forward his papers. The two men looked them over.

"Alright, let him in."

The other guard opened the gate. Tristan quickly made his way inside. Passing through the main entrance, Tristan was greeted by another pair of guards. As he kept meandering through the enormous building's halls, he eventually came to a door and stopped. After checking that his clothes and hair were still in order, he knocked twice. A moment later, a voice sounded on the other side of the door. The door opened.

"It's the middle of the night. This had better be important." A tall man with orange eyes and jet black hair opened the door. His beard was trimmed and his hair slicked back. His fancy robe had the Initials TH sewn into them. Even in a robe, his presence gave off an air of intimidation.

"It's an urgent matter, Commander Revard."

Revard motioned for Tistan to enter, before closing the door behind him

"What's happened?" He asked earnestly.

"It's the Armens sir... they've ended their war with Delsyx."

"What! How?" Revard was wide awake now.

"All those who had reported gaining their luminescence when Delsyx's realm first connected to the seven have reported the loss of their luminescence. We're not sure yet, but a spy has heard rumors amongst the Armens' higher ups that their Commander Greeves was leading a surprise attack in the north. We believe he killed Delsyx."

"Greeves...Of course it would be him." Revard's voice was filled with contempt. "Only that fool would have had the luck to pull something like that off."

Revard rubbed his temple, and let out a sigh, as Tristan waited silently for orders.

"Nothing we can do about it now. Recount our numbers and reroute the shipments that didn't make it to Delsyx's realm into the 2nd realm."

"Yes, Sir."

"And have them slow down testing in the third realm. With Delsyx gone, the people's attention is going to shift elsewhere."

"Yes, sir. I'll give the orders. Anything else, sir?"

Revard stood there quietly for a minute, as if mulling over something.

"Colonel Tristan, your punctual updates have always been of great service to me. You have shown me that I can trust you time and time again. As a token of my gratitude, I would like to offer the position of the first final test to you."

"Commander I...are you sure?"

"Shall I take that as a yes? You know the dangers involved?"

"Yes, of course sir...Regardless it would be my honor."

"Very well then, when the time comes, I will let you know. You may go now."

"Yes sir. Oh commander, regarding the king..."

"I'll take care of it."

The colonel nodded and left, closing the door behind him. Revard made his way over to his closet. As he put on his uniform, he remembered his last encounter with Greeves. If only he were dead. Revard then made his way over to his window. Gazing out into the night, he watched as Tristan left the estate before letting out a sigh. He left his room and made his way to the king's chambers. Revard knocked twice on the door and waited for a reply. No answer. He knocked again. This time, he could hear someone inside moving around.

"Talaus It's Thane. I have urgent news." A moment later, the door opened. King Talaus was in his nightwear. The queen, Evelyn, was also awake but still in the bed.

"Come in, Thane, come in." Talaus said, motioning to Thane. Thane entered and stood near the end of the bed, in between the king and the queen.

"It appears Delsyx has died."

"What!?" Both the king and the queen were stunned.

"I just received a report. All those who had gained their luminescence when Delsyx's realm first connected to the seven have lost their luminescent abilities."

"How can that be? Last I heard, the Armen's were locked in a stalemate with Delsyx." The king replied.

"We haven't confirmed it yet, but rumor has it that their commander Greeves led a sneak attack in the northern city of Levaris, where Delsyx was hiding."

"Ha...Hahaha," the king continued to laugh. "Of course Greeves did something like that...That crazy oaf. Well, we'll want to beef up our trade proposal with the first realm, before the next meeting. Now that the Armens aren't at war, they'll be a bigger threat to that trade."

"Yes, of course. Is there anything else?"

"No, we can deal with the rest of this in the morning. Thank you for letting me know, Thane."

"Yes, your highness." Thane bowed and left the room. As he made his way back up to his own room, he stopped next to a painting. It showed the King, the queen and their three sons and daughters. There's nothing left of who you used to be.

"... You've grown weak Talaus."

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