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Crazy.Oh.So scaryㅠㅠㅠSo startled.

The series 'Evil Spirit', while seemingly delving into the mysteries behind the Black Night Sect, caught viewers off guard with exorcism scenes just when they thought it was a typical investigative drama, sending shivers down the spine of unsuspecting viewers.

"How much time is left, Sungsu?"

"Not much left now."

"Make it again."


"Aren't you the priest?"

Unable to resist Kim Leo's persuasion, Father Rafael succeeds in his student's ritual, gradually deviating from his principles under Kim Leo's influence. The two priests bicker with each other but eventually synchronize well.

"It seems like it should be somewhere around here."

"It's good to investigate, but don't go off alone and ask for help again."

"Hey, is it me? Don't rely on Father Rafael."

As Park Sua reports on the incidents involving demon possessions, she gradually unveils the headquarters of the Black Night Sect. 'Evil Spirit' is now in the later stages of filming.

The chemistry between Yoo Yeonseo and Hong Mina is insane.

└ Wasn't the tension with Seo Hajun also intense?

└ Yoo Yeonseo has good chemistry with anyone he's paired withㅋㅋ

Is 'Evil Spirit' enjoyable? I can't watch anything involving ghosts.

└ If you watch the horror scenes with blurred vision, it's fine.

└ Ghosts don't appear, but the possessed people are truly terrifying.

└ I screamed while watching 'Evil Spirit' and scared my dogㅠㅠ

Regardless of anything else, Yoo Yeonseo's visuals are a fact in 'Evil Spirit'.

└ Seriously, the director captures him beautifully.

└ You can tell they put effort into the scenes with Yoo Yeonseoㅋㅋ

└ He looks amazing in the priest's robeㅠㅠㅠ

'Evil Spirit' has received decent reactions from viewers and maintains a respectable viewership for a horror genre, but it's clear that there are inherent genre limitations.

Recent viewership ratings for 'Evil Spirit', which once had the highest ratings:

Disappointing recent ratings for 'Evil Spirit', failing to capitalize on Yoo Yeonseo's presence... ranks second in the same time slot

Despite Yoo Yeonseo's significant presence, the ratings are relatively weak. Journalists didn't miss such figures and promptly covered them in articles. Especially, articles related to Yoo Yeonseo guarantee a basic number of clicks, ensuring advertising revenue.

There's a lot of backlash against Yoo Yeonseo lately.

There were already plenty, but it seems to have intensified after the accident.

└ True.

└ There's an overwhelming number of posts flooding the fan café.

└ These days, they're cutting down all posts related to Yoo Yeonseo, but Ju Sung seems unaware of how scary that isㅋㅋ

└└ Hey, is Ju Sung some kind of omnipotent shield? Did you go to Ju Sung? Why are you acting so proud on his behalf?ㅋ

└└└Are you the one who was criticizing earlier? Do you know that writing about trivial things related to Yoo Yeonseo, even under Yu Changho's instruction, might lead to legal actions?

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