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In accordance with the warm weather, everyone was dressed in sleeveless shirts and shorts, even wearing slippers. They were dressed casually enough to be able to jump right in if they felt like it.

"Writer Seo, our opening is in three days, right?"


"Shall we dip our feet in the water?"

In response to Park Seung-hwan's suggestion, Choi Jun-young and Kim Yi-jun ran into the sea. Jin Soo-ho followed them leisurely.

"Doesn't Seung-hwan uncle seem more like a child when you look at him like that?"

"Yeah, you're right."

Yoo Yeon-seo and Lee Yoon-jung watched four men playing in the shade, splashing water.

"But why do you call him uncle when he calls you dongsaeng?"

////TL: uncle or ahjussi  is a more formal term for an older person while dongsaeng is a more familiar term for a younger person////

After the meeting, under Park Seung-hwan's leadership, the cast members, who had become somewhat friendly after meeting a few more times, called each other comfortably. They were all sociable people, so Yoo Yeon-seo could blend in.

Except for Kim Yi-jun, they all got along well, forming a good network. Especially Park Seung-hwan.

"About five years ago, we were in a weekend drama together, playing the roles of young uncle and nephew. Since then, he's been more like an uncle than an oppa."

////TL: oppa is the more familiar term for an older person which is used by young females to older males, opposite of uncle/ahjussi////

"Oh... I see..."

The cameras didn't miss them. Lee Yoon-jung, who claimed chemistry exploded regardless of which actor she was paired with, and Yoo Yeon-seo, who stood out in the entertainment industry for his looks, were like a painting together, exuding a tantalizing atmosphere just by standing side by side.

"You seemed a bit unhappy earlier."

"Oh... Was it because of seasickness?"

"You noticed that? It's nothing." Yoo Yeon-seo casually lied. Lee Yoon-jung didn't suspect anything and let it pass. They had traveled here using all means of transportation available, so it was understandable if he felt tired.

"Do you usually observe your surroundings so carefully?"

Lee Yoon-jung chuckled knowingly.

"I've been acting since I was four."


"People used to say things like, 'Isn't she too childish?' 'Why isn't this child more mature?'"

"What... Really..."

"Are you amused too?"

Having shed the title of child actor and established herself as a successful actress, she was now a star known throughout the nation just by her name.

Wasn't Lee Yoon-jung around 34 years old now...? She had been active for thirty years.


Even in Kang Jin-hoo's memories from the future, Lee Yoon-jung had consistently appeared in the media and continued her active acting career even in her seventies.

What would a life devoted to acting be like?

"So, is that why... you're always so observant of people around you? It's become a habit."

The Third-Gen Chaebol Becomes a Genius ActorWhere stories live. Discover now