Ch 43

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"Yeonsu hyung."

Child actor, Han Doyul, reached out both hands towards Yeonseo. Yeonseo looked down at the child with his characteristic solemn expression, then turned his head pretending not to notice.


Doyul urged, tapping his foot impatiently.

Should she stop playing around now? Yeonseo lifted the child up. Doyul giggled happily.

Itaegyeom forced a fake laugh. Yeonseo was kind to people, it was hard to get used to no matter how many times he saw it.

"Do you like this kid?"

"Kids are cute, unlike you."

Itaegyeom frowned deeply.

The children they saw in 2207 were born in areas like Gangjinhoo, where the fate of soldiers was predetermined. They cried and whined at the beginning of military training, but later they had to focus on training that killed emotions.

So these innocent children of today were fascinating and cute. Indeed, they should be in peaceful times.

"How was the shoot today, Doyul?"

"It was fun!"

Even if the child pulled his silver hair oddly, it didn't bother him much. The guardian behind reminded him not to let the child pull his hair.

"Today is the last shoot with hyung, Doyul, aren't you sad?"

"I can watch it later!"

"Yeah, watch it on TV. Bye."

He still couldn't distinguish between meeting and parting well, but he liked acting because he was quite good at it.



Yeonseo handed the child over to the guardian and turned his head at Director Lee Suji's call.

"We agreed to gather in our writer's studio to watch together. Are you coming?"

Today was the first broadcast of 'Dreaming.' Yeonseo glanced at the people behind Lee Suji. Jinsuho, Lee Seonja, and Jo Yumi, who would appear as Jinsuho's supporter in the drama, were waving to watch it together.

Fortunately, after that day, Jinsuho behaved kindly to everyone as usual.

"Yes, let's go."

Well, if a person vomits blood, wouldn't you believe it if someone else told you? Yeonseo nodded his head.

["Mom, where are you going?"]

["Si Hwan, from now on, we'll live in this house."]

["What about mom?"]

["Mom... later, when our Si Hwan is a little older, I'll come to get you."]

Young Park Si Hwan clung to his mother's skirt tightly in front of a house that seemed unusual even from the gate.

["Do I have to go? Don't go! Mom!"]

["Young master, let's go inside now."]


Lee Seonja, who played Park Si Hwan's mother in the drama, looked younger after retouching without wrinkles. Although her heart ached seeing her son holding onto her, Lee Seonja, who managed to control her expression, pulled away from her son forcefully, and the character Kim Yoonhwa disappeared into the distance.


Young Park Si Hwan shouted loudly. He pushed away the man holding onto him and ran towards Kim Yoonhwa. But suddenly, flames erupted from all around him and engulfed him.

The Third-Gen Chaebol Becomes a Genius ActorWhere stories live. Discover now