#9-Taco's business

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(I'm sorry guys but idk if I can add a drawing for every chapter, I have a lot of commissions and I don't wanna get art block while still having commissions left)


*Cabby sighed and she knocked on the door waiting for Taco to respond but it was quiet, Cabby didn't know if she was supposed to leave or enter, she knew Taco was there bcuz she always sits in her room if no one needs her, feels a bit sad*

"Well here we go"

*Cabby squeezed the door knob feeling the coldness bcuz of her sweaty hands*

*After just a few seconds Tacos voice got Cabby out of her thoughts*

-Are you gonna come in yet? *Tacos voice was strained like she hasn't talked all day*

*Cabby finally turned the knob and entered the room*

-Heh yeah sorry I was a bit distracted..

*Taco rolled her eyes, she had eye bags and her salad was a bit messy and quiet scratched*

*She placed a blue journal book on the table and looked at Cabby*

-Why are you here for? *She sounded slightly pissed*

-uhhmm *Cabby glanced at the journal knowing that it belonged to Mic, she knew that Taco was hurt because of Microphone, but keeping her journal is kinda creepy*

-Are you gonna keep staring at something that is none of your business or are you gonna answer my question?

*Cabby quickly looked at Taco and cleared her throat*
-Oh yeah! Well uhmm I was wondering if we could maybe talk about ya know all this Cobs business, I just wanna rant about it and you and I are the only people who know about it, so uh yeah..

*Taco looked suspicious, glaring annoyed at Cabby*

-Do you really think I will waste my time on this?

*Cabby looked a bit surprised but then she thought a bit more about what she could say to convince Taco*

-Well I uhh, I know Mic, she's actually one of my friends, I mean you probably already knew that but uhh-

*She stumbled over her words not knowing what to say next, Cabby cleared her throat and continued*

-...I can help you with her! But uhh, only with one small thing, because I will for sure NOT stalk her just for you.

*Taco looked disgusted, not at Cabby, but disgusted about herself remembering what happened between her and Mic*

-Ugh I don't need your help with anything!... Mic didn't want to help me so I will just leave her alone. Anyways I don't care anymore.

*Cabby squinted at Taco like she just told a lie*
-Then why did you become so sad and keep that journal for nothing?!

*She just growled annoyed and immediately grabs the journal from the table and trows it at the wall making it open on a page that Mic wrote about Taco*

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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