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I place my hand on the mirror and notice that small cut on my hand

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I place my hand on the mirror and notice that small cut on my hand.
*("How is that even possible")
*"It's so confusing"
*"(It was really a dream Or reality?)"

(I want to forget what I saw yesterday and just focus on today because I am gonna get adopted today)

I am so excited finally I am going to explore the outer world.
("Yah, I have never been out of this place not even once unlike other students in this orphanage")

I don't know the reason behind it whenever I asked Sister Areiana or Father Williams they said this is good for me.

(I trust both of them because they both knew my mother and I am here because of them I might not feel good here but they saved me when I was a little girl )

*Finally it's 4pm
I rushed towards the corridor and found Father Williams rushing towards his office.
(I ignored it and get inside my room)

(He dropped his diary)

"Father wait"
I will return him later but it seems important that's why I want to check it once..
Before that

"I must check my stuffs before I left"
(After a minute)

Someone knocked the door.
I rushed towards the door to open it and found Our headmaster standing infront of me with a sympathic tone on his face.


"What are you doing my dear" he said
"It's 4 pm sir and this is my last day here I was packing my stuffs" I replied..

Mr Williams (I am afraid that its not your last day here my child)

I didn't say anything..
Just like always the couple never arrived.

I heard giggling sound from the corridor
(They *classmates*are so happy now, like always as they gonna tease me for this )

I closed the door without a word.

(I didn't give him his diary back)
This diary looks like a magic book or something
It has a creepy vibe.
Still..I will check it later

I was disappointed like always.
"why it's always happens with me".
"Now after so many years i just want to run away from here without getting adopted".
*(But I can't do it alone..)


At night
I was off-loading my Bag.
Thinking about leaving this place but no body will help me get out of this place I have to do it alone.
(And that's impossible)

{Once again I started remembering about yesterday night and that cut on my finger}

"This is impossible and i remember that women with that pendent I thought she is my.."
*She is my Mom?

*Your mom? (Unknown voice)

(Shit didn't I locked the door?)


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