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Jash lead me to the cottage.
It was nice small and warm.
A open kitchen with four rooms perfectly arranged.
I always wanted to stay in a house like this. But now I should focus on my work.
(I need to know THE TRUTH )

He gesture forward towards
a old lady standing in front of the
fire place with a pleasant smile on her face.

"This is Susan our care taker"
(I smiled at her and moved on)

Jash continued
"Ayana you should rest now, I need to talk to miles about the sinister forest . I am a bit afraid .I have a bad feeling about this and also I haven't heard about this forest before ,still let's hope for the best".

I was about to say something but he shushed me and said "And don't worry we will find the way".
(He winked ,smiled at me and left).

(His smile is enough to make my heart flatter)

I make my way to my room.
It's already 3am jash is so much into this case. I strongly felt that he is somehow know something about what's going on with me.
I trust him still he seems more interested in this topic or may be he is just doing this for me? Or something else?

"I shouldn't be inspecting the person who helped me when no-one did.."

I decided to take a hot shower "I hope it will help".. and i think I should show that pictures I took from that diary to jash he might know about them."

I got a knock at my door.
(Come in please)

Jash enters..

"Didn't you sleep yet"?

(No.. Did you get any info about the sinister forest?)

"Unfortunately NO",But we will find out don't worry.well besides I got to know about a wizard library here which might have clues about the sinister forest.

(Wizard library? Do you believe in those stuffs?)

Umm yah, I am one of them (winked)
He said playfully. "Well at sharp 6 am we will head out . Soo.. be ready."

"Jash wait, I need to show you something" I took my camera and hand over him to check it.

Jash:-"Who's that women with father Williams".

"That's my mom"
(I said in a low voice)

Ehh, Don't tell the baby is you. Umm wait"how are you so sure about that I mean look at this picture it's already in worse condition even her face is not visible,still you identified it?
(His knowing expressions is easily detectable)

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