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People say we can improve our mental health in peace when nobody is around you . When you are alone you get to know who you truly are..
I don't think so because I was never with anyone after my mother's death when I was just 5 years old.
(She died in a car accident)

**I never asked my mother (Mary) about my father I don't know if
he is still alive or not.
I didn't knew that father is a important part of a person's life till I was in orphanage .
I am 15 now still here thinking about stuffs..

"Really girl i literally shouted your name like 10 times and you are busy in your own stuffs like always.."

"(Sorry miss.)"
(Well...yah she is Sister Areiana my therapist and care taker of this orphanage).

Someone is here looking for you Miss Areiana said.
(Omg really)
I am nervous it's not my first time a couple wants to meet me or adopt me but I am still worried.
Mr and Mrs Jones wanted to meet you.
"Won't you introduce yourself my dear said Mr Jones" .
Oh yeah alright "I m Ayana , almost 18 years old .I like wondering, thinking , imagining."
(Oh God I shouldn't have said that)

"Mmmhm interesting they said."
Mrs Jones was watching my dull frock and my hands with lots of cuts on it and that mark on my hand .
(I was surprised that they didn't ask me anything about that cuts and were showing interest in me unlike other couples).

(They were good with me but something was bothering me.)

As they said they need time to decide and why not.
When I looked at miss Ariana I saw her worried face, But she didn't said anything she smiled at me sympathicaly and leave .

-Today I will be alone in my room at night as my roommate got adopted last week.

That night I couldn't sleep because of the fact that they didn't said anything about adopting me and I don't want to stay here anymore.
In this 13 years I have been around thousands of people but no one was their for me I was always left all alone inside wondering, thinking, imagining..
I barely remember anything about my mother and me. Just one think I know about my mother was that Ruby pendent.
( Just like one I have)

Every night I use to think about my life why this is so complicated and confusing.

A PSYCHO that's what my class mate likes to call me.

A PSYCHO that's what my class mate likes to call me

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