A message from Denial ep 12

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The moment I realized what had happened I threw myself on the floor. He could've killed me in my sleep and I wouldn't have noticed. "What's wrong with you?; he mumbled


-Why are you yelling so early in the morning?

-Because I can". After such a hectic awakening, I directed myself to the sofa in order to finish my sweet tacos pancake dream. 

Later on, I felt a nudging sensation on my shoulder. "Wake up!

-Who's calling me?

-I am.


-Tsk, WAKE UP!" Well, now I see why so many married women end up being depressed, stressed and tired at the same time. He relentless pestering was quite bothersome for I wished nothing but an ounce of sleep. No matter how  much I twisted and turned, he never understood what I was enticing. Hence, I snapped and so did my powers." LEAVE ME ALONE". That gush of rage was followed by a hectic fire torrent heading straight for him. If he were to die because of me, the king would have me killed for his only heir had died. I concentrated the way Larment had told me and reabsorbed the energy that had leaked out of my body. He's quite a lucky guy.

He was astonished by what just happened. "You have the power of the elements?!

-You almost died and you're talking about powers.

-No, no. The enchantress, till now, none of them had the element power. There was a prophecy that in a moment of war, the element enchantress shall be found. In other words-

-We're going to war.

-Dominique, call my father. And Rufus prepare a martial arts, swordsmanship and shooting class for the lady.

-Yes, master.

-Yes, your highness.

-By the way, young master, tomorrow is the fall feast and the designer has come for you and the lady's outfit fitting.

-Yes, push it for later. I'll try it on at the same time as the lady.

-Yes, master.

-What? Why at the same time as me?

-Don't get ahead of yourself; that's the only time of my day that is left". What did he mean by getting ahead of myself? Says the person who was resting his head on me this morning. Either way, I have something important to do today. I will be investigating my father and if what Tschaik had said was true. I needed information and why not start close to me with Rufus.

My morning was packed: dinner with the northern duchy, etiquettes training, math and sciences, Romanian lesson, swordsmanship, martial arts, shooting lessons and I would have to deal with Tschaik later. This guy really has schizophrenia. How does he lay his head on me a second and then change his tune the next. I feel bad for Adria; to have a man like that pestering you must be hard. However, now is the only time I have a tea break so if there is to be a time. "Rufus?

-Yes, my lady?

-Do you know anything about the last name Axwell?

-Isn't that your family's last name?

-Yes, but I am talking about Axwell, my father.

-My lady,  as a servant it may not be my place but I believe you should cut ties with this family of yours.

-What? Why?

-I can't say anymore than that but, please my lady, don't call these despicable people yours.


-I apologize for what I said my lady, please punish me.

-Don't worry. I won't hold it against you". The rays of sunshine, that were once so warm, had become cold. The gazebo under which I was sipping my tea couldn't protect me from this cold shower. Such a beautiful garden to watch yet such a saddening suspicion. My family wouldn't abandon me this easily would they? Then why didn't my father come to my marriage as he said he would. The fact that I even have this doubt is surreal. "Rufus?

-Yes, my lady?

-Please, guide me to my bedchambers.

-As you wish my lady.

-And bring me my phone as well.

-Yes, my lady". I need to speak to my father. I need to know what is going on in my own family. For hours, the only answer I got was one of the voice mail. Did they actually give up on me? At that point, my heart couldn't hold anymore. I sobbed while trying to find my parents. The phone in my hand, my tears rolling down my skin. Why was I even calling him. My thoughts were in shambles until it was interrupted with the sound of a message notification."Rufus!

-Yes, my Lady?

-Stop calling me my lady! Call me Tia.

-Yes, lady Tia.

-Could you leave me to myself to think?

-Are you sure, lady Tia?

-Yes! Leave me for a moment."

The message came from an anonymous number, leaving me baffled. I inspected the source of the message uncovering one of my father's deepest secret. It was a bunch of documents signed by my father trading me off in order to get some sort of medicine. My anger was getting out of control till I snapped and threw the very phone I had held on so much desperation for across the room. I locked the room in which I resided, breathe in and breathe out. In this very moment, my insides were boiling.

My anguish had gotten the better of me before I even came to understand what had just happened. Was my life this worthless to them that they would sacrifice me for their youngest.

I sat the whole evening on the floor hoping for death. The silent room brightened by the moon's light had seemed to me more colder than any of the times I had slept in it. The silence was quite eerie for someone who just got married. "Now, that I'm sure he won't come for you, then I should get to be fed, right?" was all that had resonated through my ears as if someone with a deep voice had whispered. "Look behind you!". What ? But my back was against a wall! The moment I turned around I was already on my bed. How did I get from the door to my bed. 

"I wonder what the  future queen tastes like?

-Who are you?"

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