Sorry ep 7

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 Since the night was getting more and more closer, Santiago, the chef asked me to wait inside. I had a bad feeling about things however I shrugged it off as if nothing.

With all my plans achieved I decided to search for a silent abandonned room with a good view in order to do my regular school work in peace.

 As my footsteps echoed down the hallways, the once small pillars were growing bigger, the gigantic doors were mocking my 5ft 7" self leaving me with just neck pain trying to look at them. The vampiric royal family were quite tall explaining the huge doors.

After walking the hallways all the way to the top floor of our dear palace I finally saw it a spacious room just for me.

The inside was nothing but drawings mostly of lady Adria and necklaces, a giant open window, desk,view upon the entire region colored by the rays of the sunset. But more importantly... silence.

"What are you doing here?: (Sigh) I recognize this voice even in my nightmares. Well, here goes my peace and quiet.

-Just trying to find somewhere to study. I'll be on my  way...

-Wait! I-I'm... I'm

-(Sigh) I'll say it first. I'm sorry.

-...Who said that's what I was going to say?

-Why you son of b*tch! Can't you just...

-However, apology accepted. As I was going to say before being so rudely interrupted by someone, I will be leaving this room you can stay.


-Has Santiago cooked dessert?

-What do you mean?

-These days Santiago started cooking dessert.

-These desserts?: I said while pulling my pie slices out.

-How dare you steal food from the royal family?

-And how dare the royal family steal my work? I did these desserts.

-Young master, here's a slice of strawberry pie... Oh! Here you are lady Axwell. Thank you for the dessert; the maids liked it and so those our young master. I'll be going now.

-So she's the one who made this? Is it edible?

-Well, the desert that the prince has been eating since the other day was made by lady Axwell. I personally asked and mentioned so the first time. I'll be going now. Madam Siaf is awaiting my return.



-So you cook?


-And the previous meals were made by you.


-Oh! Thanks for the food.

-You're welcome.



-I'll leave you to your work then.

-Ok, byebye.

-Yeah, byebye. And just so you know, the reason Adria didn't like me wasn't because of my attitude since we were best-friends even before this whole stuff. She fell in love with the heir of the viperion family and that's it.

-Ok. Sorry again.

-It's okay. Also, I'm glad to see that you know your place, in the kitchen.


He always needs to have the last word. After irritating me, he left; went about his day, as if nothing happened.

After minutes of studying, I realized that it was now 9 o'clock. My anxiety was growing since outside was nothing but darkness now and my father still hasn't come.

I went back down trying to call him to no avail. I tried again and again but nothing. I called my mom asking for my father but she said that my dad left work since 4 pm today. That didn't help at all until: " There was a car accident down the road."

The moment I heard that sentence I knew that my father was in that accident. I tried to run but was stopped by Tshaick. "What are you doing?

-If you go look right now, you will for sure get killed. Demonials are crawling in these woods at night .

-But, then what do I do? My father may be part of this, then that means that my father's in danger.

-Calm down! Breathe.

-Ok, ok.

-You've calm down?

- Mhm.

-Good. I'll go with you. I'll put my coat on and we'll go together."

Meanwhile, my father was running through bushes followed by Aaron his bodyguard. The moon was high up and the fog thickened. Through the forest was a pond which my father and Aaron used to hide their scent.

As me and Tshaick arrived at the scene of the accident, I was totally certain that my father was in danger. At the sight of the car's horrific display the conclusion was a demonial attack. They released the vampiric hounds in order to find my father as his body and Aaron's weren't here.

The driver however had his clothes ripped and was blood all over him. I had to find my father. Tshaick told me to wait until the group dispatch with the vampiric hounds came back. Meanwhile, Reizif and Lucas appeared to have caught wind of things . They were ready to assist me. He started heading out in groups of two heading to the forest on each side of the road. 

Me and Tshaick were running through the woods in fear that we wouldn't get there on time while drifting further and further from the palace's road. Tshaick starts realizing ergo informing me of the situation. However, even if we did realize our distance, the fog was too thick to go back on our tracks, especially with the demionals out there searching for us.

Well, I must admit. These things really live up to their names. In less than 1 minute, they had already catched up. At this point, why not just curl up and kick the bucket because AIN'T NO WAY I'AM SURVIVING THIS! Their appearances were living up to their names though. Their physics were quite unique... Yeah.

Tshaick ended up using himself as a barrier between me and these demons. My heartwas on the tip of my tongue because neither me or Tshaick knew either to run or stand our grounds. Tshaick by himself could stand his ground however he has to protect me however if we run he'll also have to carry me and his fighting maneuverability would be affected.

"Well, as a young master and crown prince of the Ralvary family... I actually never tought that you were the person I would be throwing my sword for. Matter of fact, I tought that you were the one that was going to be it's victim.


-Are you deaf or something? Wait this actually makes sen-

-SHUT UP! Give that wood branch.

-What? You do know that killing me isn't in your-

-I said pass me that branch.

-...okay, if you say so."

My anger was driving everyone of my swings and not only that but the wood was burning IN MY HAND. Even though, I realized it a few minutes later.

"Good, we're saved all thanks to your idiocy.

-Huh!? What do you mean?

-If I couldn't run with you or protect you I had to make you protect yourselves and besides just the force  of magic flowing out of you would clear out the smoke. That's why I was able to localize where we were.

-Wait... What?

-Huh (sigh). Get on my back. Let's just go back.


A heart in a field of fangs Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now