Scarier than death ep 5

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Apparently, the school council had called me to appear today. Quite unusual for a school to have a council. Well at this point why am I even shocked. This school is for vampires. They  drink human blood and possess a whole different government. I knew I should've stayed in the states.

As I walked over to the council, my anxiousness grew stronger and the more I was reminiscing on my life decisions.

Once at the council's gates, I was able to gaze over the entire school with a bird's eyeview. The sun rays gliding on the windows of the many buildings of the school. The tenderly wind harmonizing with the dancing flowers that decorated the alley way to the council. 

How could such a beautiful scenery be surrounding this Or is it a castle? Well it was too small to one of those huge like castle manors. Well, that doesn't change the fact that It's made from obsidian. It was lustrous enough to reflect the sunlight;stopping it from entering the building making it more ominous. Moreover, vines were growing; surrounding the pillars to the door.

 However my relaxing view got interrupted by the opening of the huge gates. A man wearing a dark color cloak was at the entry way to receive me. He didn't utter a word and started walking inferring he wanted me to follow me. 

To my surprise, there were windows leading light into the building but what was the reason to my astonishment was that, while outside, there weren't any appearing windows on the church... or the castle... or whatever you wish to call it. 

My journey among the black tainted hallways was quiet, eerily quiet. I never once would've taught that silence could be this loud. Really ironic.

At the end of the hallway was a gigantic door which my escort pushed open. Once I stepped into the room, he then closed the door leaving me alone. In the middle there was an altar and the ceiling was really high but the feature that interested me was the chairs on the second floor. They wasn't a single ray of light.

A few moments later, a priest appeared dressed with a catholic priest-like robe however the robe was black and purple. The moment I looked up, the chairs were filled with some heads that I knew.

There were five sections and in each section were my friends. Reizif is an Eldmond therefore he sat in the Eldmond section which were distinctable with their blond hair. He was quite anxious and sad stressing me more but right next to him was the Vicci family section possessing the mark (a mark on their wrist never seen on lucas) with Lucas at the front with his father. Then came the Viperion family with their silvery hair and to top it all they were giving the room enough cold air to force a coat onto anybody. Following them came the Agreuste family showing off their honey colored hair with our snaky old friend Loruan.

I can't stop cursing that bastard, I'm in this situation because of him. He appeared cute and gentle from a far but his personality is sh*tty. Additionally came the royal family, the Ralvary with our dear old narcissic prince Tshaick. This guy should be paid for how narcissic and egotistical he is.

The other less noble vampires were standing on the bottom floor. It felt like an execution.

The priest finally cut the silence with his speech:" You, Laetitia Axwell, are condemn to being an enemy spy...


-... As you discovered the secret of our people hidden from generations and generations." What kind of b*llsh*t school did my father put me at.

"You are now condemn to take your own life infront of our emperor and the crown prince.

- No, thank you! I politely decline." After saying that everybody was in shock; even the 5 big families. Whispers were circulating all over the roomUntil the emperor spoke up: 

"Silence! You, young lady, have quite the nerves. Disobeying imperial order? Hah, that really is a first. I will give you a second chance as you don't know the rules of our people.

-I said NO! What kind of Narcissic... Well I shouldn't be surprised your son is your son after all. I am not about to give up my life for some sick narcissist, entitled emperor or king or whatever you  may be.

-Haha... HAHAHAHA. Elmond your heir has quite a funny friend well it's really sad to see that she's about to die a sad and painful death. HUNT !" 

The momment he said that the lower rank vampires startted running towards me. Reizif on the second floor was perched on th balcony worried sick meanwhile Lucas closed his eyes turning away from the scene.

Well, I have to fight but how. I said all those things but I am weak. Think! The wall of this castle is obsidian while thye all tend to their cloak in the sun. Especially the lower rank vampires. The sun... Wait! That's it the sun.

With the altar in the middle I can forge a path way and break the window on the ceiling.

I grabbed the altar awaiting them to attack me however they just stood there... silent. Wtf?

"How did you pick that up the priest said.

-I just picked it up. Why? I shouldn't have touched it. Well my bad but what's going on?" Even Reizif was astonished meanwhile lucas had  a shocking look in his eyes.

"Only the enchantress could lift the altar no one else could. No mere human and not even vampires could even touch the altar, to go see for lifting it."

Well, what did I even expect coming from this school? Vampires, magic windows, a vampiric priest and an abnormal altar:  are headed for my diary today. What the heck did I do wrong to end up in this situation.

Meanwhile, the royals were busy talking about important matters.

" Bring proper clothing for the enchantress.

-Yes my Lord.


- Yes Tshaick?

-Does that mean that the demonials have returned.

- Hmmm...

- Wait! Father don't tell me they already started attacking..."

The moment I was attended to many guards came rushing in while in a state of panic.





Wow, I never believed that I would be the center of attention in such a short period of time and most of all because of an altar.



A heart in a field of fangs Vol. 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora