The Vampiric presence ep 2

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When we arrived at the airport it was already dark. Dad was waiting for our butler Rufus who was coming with mom. It had been four years I hadn't saw mom.

While we were waiting in the café, we heard a voice calling us "Laetitia, Alexander, Victoria, Andrew". At the sound of this voice, we automatically turned around. It was mom while the little monster and I ran in her arms our dad came and shared with her a passionate kiss. Just by looking at them I knew that I wouldn't have four siblings anymore because a fifth sibling was coming. I just don't understand how can somebody be so passionate about another person; I find it kind of creepy but that's love.

After getting out of the airport a little head was peeping out of the backseat of the car. I was shocked to see that it was Lucia my favorite sibling.

"Laelae" she said with a giggle. I have to admit I didn't want to come to Romania but I missed my little sister. It's not that I hate my other siblings but Alex is a science psycho; even though I am #1 in everything but I don't show a unhealthy relationship with my passion; and my sister Vici is always running after some kind of hot or popular guy, I'm kinda scared that they report her to the police or something like that.

My dream was to take over my father's business and to write books about business.

As I was thinking about my choices in life. I saw a shadow passing by in the corner of my eye. It was intriguing how it moved. It was as fast as lightning but as dark as night. Usually I wouldn't care about a shadow. But this time it was different. I could feel his presence even though he disappeared. It was weird. Water. First time I thought I was being watched after seeing the shadow.

My mom was literally calling my name as I was distracted by that

"shadow-like figure".

When we arrived home, we started unpacking our packages. But I couldn't still understand what was the shadow? Or who is that shadow? Then a knocking sound entered my ears. "Could we talk to you ?" came out from behind the door. After I opened the door; I saw my little siblings with an anxious face. "What happened ? I asked.

-You remember when we were at the airport ... Victoria started.

-Yes, what ?

- We saw a vampire but you say vampires don't exist, right ?

-Pffft, haha. Did you thought that you saw a vampire? Vampires don't exist, don't worry it must have been a plane or something.

-Yes a plane... But on TV they say that vampires do exist.

-What TV show said that?

-It's called "Bloody gods"... Wait a minute does that mean that you also saw it?

-Well...(cough) yes, yes... I did. But that doesn't mean that it's a vampire and the TV show is a romance movie between a girl and a vampire; A MOVIE, okay ?

-Okay. Night night.

-Goodnight Vici.

-Oh and Dad said that we'll be going to school tomorrow.

-No worries, I'll be ready."

The moment I closed the door, I could feel something looking at me. The moment I turned around I saw a bat who landed on my window, apparently it was hurt.

I looked at it before finally openning the window. "Come on in, let me treat that wound of yours". It was looking at me with his dark blue eyes as if it was saying "why are you helping me do you know what I am?" My father's first aid kit was in my room because he said that I was the most responsible one.

After cleanning the wound, I applied some antibacterial lotion on it and finally put a band-aid. Once finish I let him go but he suddenly went for my pillow. "WAIT ! You got to take a bath to clean up the germs from you. Oh heck! I forgot, if my parents see you in here they're gonna have a heart attack for sure." Even I couldn't handle the fact that he was going to be in the wild with a bruise like that but knowing my parents they would have an asthma attack by screaming their lungs out. I love animals, there's no way in hell I would let him go with a bruise like that.

And the next morning, I was already ready to go to school. My father screaming on top of his lungs, waiting for me to come out, but I knew it wouldn't be the same anymore. When I arrived at school. I saw the shadow like figure again, but this time I felt it over my shoulder. It was weird.

When I turn around, I saw a handsome man, with a side haircut. He was scrupling me. "Excuse me, are you Laetitia Axwell" he exclaimed in his cute accent. He was a few inches taller than me his eyes were a blue-green color; I almost tought that he was a vampire but vampires don't stay in the sun light and why am I thinking he was one. It's true his canine were sharpened to a suspicious point but that doesn't make him a vampire.

"Hum, are you okay ? He asked

-Excuse me? Oh sorry I'm... I'm Laetitia Axwell, I'm a Leo and I'm born August 1st. I blurted.

-Well than, I'm Reizif Milianos, I'm a Gemini and I'm born 12th June. He replied with a smile.

-You have a nice personality.

-It sure is the first time that somebody says that after knowing my Zodiac sign.

-Why ?... Oh yeah, you're a Gemini. Well don't bother, mine is hated too."

After my reply he bursted out laughing. He's smile was so sincere even though they say don't trust a Gemini but this one I even fill bad that he's one.

"I'm the class president so it's my duty to show you around. I think we're gonna become friends.

-Why ?

-You're a smart one aren't you ? You must have high grades. And youdon't seem like someone who causes trouble.

-How did you ...

-I can feel it.

-You can what ?

-Here's our classroom.

-Thanks Reizif. Wait you also have the same class as me ?

-Yep, and your seat is right next to mine the teacher didn't want you to stay with the troublemaker kids."

Ok, that was a good point but how was I going to focus when I have a handsome face smiling at me right next to me. As I was thinking about how to deal with that problem, a scary-like figured man came at me. As he was getting closer the teacher called his name "Lucas ! Go to your seat please." So his name was Lucas, his face is handsome alright, but he gives that bully-like attitude and vibe all over him. 


Name pronunciation section:

Reizif: Reezef (almost like Reese's).

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