Story twelve: Commission For william.... I aint finishing, all that.

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FYI I wrote this right after my previous story so if I make a mistake and accidentally call the main character Oak, please let me know.

Thank you and enjoy!

A boy lay on the chalky dirt ground at the backside of a small hut on the edge of a large underground village, his staring up at the stars through a small hole. Hai eyes reflecting the bright stars which contrasted against the dark brown tunnels of his underground village.

"Boy!" A irritated voice suddenly called from down the tunnel. In an instant Sparrow sat up, a worried reflection replacing the bright lights from the stars.

"Oh crap, what did I do this time?!" Sparrow mumbled.
"Coming dad!" He called, standing up and walking in through the back door.

Sparrow entered his home and came face to face with the displeasured face of his father. "The house was s'posed to be cleaned by the time we got back." He spoke with an angry tone.

Sparrow cowered under his gaze. "I-I did though." He said quietly with confusion. "Did you now?" His dad said. The man wiped a finger across a counter. A small layer of dust ever so slightly present on the tip. "Missed som'in." He said sarcastically.

Sparrows heart sank. "What, no! Come on, Ma, you can't let him do that-" Sparrows father grabbed him by the forearm and threw into a nearby clothes basket. The basket topped over under his weight, spilling the clothes all over the floor. "What have we told you about talking back? After you clean up your mess, go to your room, I'm done with your shit!" His father spoke harshly.

Sparrow turned to his mother whom held a similar disappointed look. "W-what about dinner?" Sparrow dared to ask. His fathers teeth grit and eyes slimmed, but Sparrow received the answer from his mother. "Ya get none. Your fathers right, learn some respect for your elders."

Sparrows eyes began to water. "But-but," his mothers face soured. "No buts. It's called a punishment. Now wrap this mess up and go upstairs." Her voice was relentless and stern.

Sparrow didn't dare to respond and hurriedly set the basket up and placed the clothes inside before running upstairs.

Sparrow closed his door silently and locked it in an attempt to not draw attention to himself. Sparrow huddled himself in a corner and cried. "I-I can't keep doing this. This is no way to live." He pouted quietly.
His mind sparked with an idea. A drastic, desperate idea, but his last option.

"I'm gonna run away."

Sparrow waited for a couple hours until his parents were asleep and grabbed a bag. Quietly, Sparrow snuck downstairs and opened the pantry and grabbed what he needed, adding it to his bag.

Silent as a mouse he slinked to the door and stopped to check his bag one final time. "Food, water, knife, rope, extra set of clothes." Sparrow counted up his items before zipping the bag shut and hoisting it over his shoulders.

Sparrow creaked open the door and crept out, making his way to the city's exit. With haste he tip road through the village and down the large exit tunnel.

Sparrow made it to a large hole covered in leaves stood between himself and freedom, but stopped and hesitated, thinking about what he was about to do. I don't know where I'm going. B-but I can't stay here any longer.

With a heavy sigh he pushed the curtain of leaves out of his way and looked into the magnificent dark rainforest. His jaw dropped as it was the first time he had seen the lush jungle. A beautiful sound of rain droplets falling soothed his ears.

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