Story eleven: AU

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This story takes place in an sort of AU I had thought up a while ago. Basically post book 15 dragons realized that humans could be used as a easy labor force, (Aka slaves) so many humans are born into a life of labor which this story follows.



Ok before you get upset and wonder why this was posted over your commissions, please understand that I've had this done for 3months now but never posted it, as I was worried about reception. It doesn't really make sense and I wrote it after reading someone else's story and feeling inspired.

If you don't like AU story's (or just Shitily written story's in general) then don't read my work. This is definitely the worst of it though as it was mainly just a test to see how human/dragon drama could work out.

Thank you for reading.


A teenage boy sat quietly crying in the middle right of a rusty cage with several other young humans. A Sandwing hovered above them waiting for his next customer.

A shadowy dragon slithered across the streets, pausing upon the vendor. The dragon was large with pale sandy scales a small pouch of coins clutched in its talon. The two exchanged vocally before the sandwing handed the vendor the pouch, and reaching into the cage. All the humans cowered away besides the one unlucky sniffling boy. The dragon grinned deviously before snatching up the unaware human.

The boy let out a startled shriek as he was dragged out of the cage. The sandwing lifted the human to eye level as the young human continued to scream and struggle. The sandwing held a hostile expression, lifting up a claw to the boys face and slicing across his cheek.

The boy let out a sharp cry before falling limp in the dragons talon. The two dragons gave affirmative nods to one another before the dragon quietly slipped away into the midnight darkness...

-Three years later


"human...Human...HUMAN!" A sharp agitated voice shrieked abruptly awaking the young teenager.
Shit! Basil thought as he scrambled from the floor at hurriedly ran to the far side of the room where his owner lay.

The dragon peered angrily down at Basil as he approached the dragon whom was leaning over her bed. The dragon gave a harsh growl as she narrowed her eyes. "What did I tell you about sleeping in?" She asked. Basil shrunk fearfully under her glare. "S-sorry," he whimpered. "I-it won't happen again- "
"Quite!" She screamed. "I told you if it happened again I would tear off your eyelids so you could never sleep again!" She spat.

Basil cautiously recoiled upon hearing her threat. Even Though he knew she wouldn't act on a punishment as horrific as that he knew there would be consequences for not following her directions.

"I-I'm really sorry, please don't be mad, I promise it won't happen again! I swear!" He insisted.
Mesa hissed. "Grrrrrr.... Go get me some water, and maybe you'll be forgiven."

Basil nodded affirmatively and hastily jogged into the houses kitchen. Basil walked into the pantry and grabbed a cup from the floor. Despite Mesas seeming distain for him she had been kind enough (or inpatient) to leave the cups where he could at least reach.

Basil grasped both sides of the wood and slid it across the ground until it was under the large metallic water container. Despite leaving the cups accessible the nob to the jug had been left at the top with no way for him to reach from the ground.

A lone rope sat, tied to the next story of the pantry. Basil let out a quite sigh before grasping the rope, pulling himself up. As he climbed he looked down at the deathly height.  a devious thought crept into his mind a thought that felt made his stomach turn but also felt relieving. If I were to fall from this height I would for surely die. He thought nauseously. But... then it would be over... the pain the exhaustion...

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