Story ten: Blinded trust

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Oak was tiredly shaken awake with a yawn and peered out at utter darkness. "Morning mom." He said unenthusiastically. "Good morning honey! School starts in thirty minutes,"she said.

Oak groaned slightly but nodded before turning and (failing) to grab a white cloth on the nightstand next to his bed. He eventually managed to grasp the round fabric and slowly brought it up to his face.

He carefully slipped it onto his head and over his eyes, adjusting it slightly to a more comfortable angle.

Oak then unsteadily hung his legs over the edge of the bed and slid off. His legs wobbled as he stood on the wood beneath him. A great wave of frustration and sadness washed over him again.

It had been roughly 3 years since his vision had been impaired. His eyes cut and blinded by a swamp dragon. The memory of the day hung vividly in his mind as he trailed on the faithful night.

It was the same night he had lost his father too...
September sixth... a day that will live in infamy in his mind....

Before Oak could even began to trail he heard a soothing familiar voice. "Oak, Come eat before your late!" His mothers voice rang.

"Coming," he said with a sigh. Oak walked into the kitchen, hugging the familiar wall as he walked. "Chairs over here." His mother called. Oak slowly and methodically trudged over in the direction of her voice, his arms out in front of him to help find the chair. His hands made contact with a wooden object which Oak identified as the chair.

Oak slid the wooden chair letting it scrape on the floor. Oak reached out in front of himself finding the table and pulling the chair closer. "Here you go." His mother said as the loud clanging of pottery in the table could be heard.

Oak slid his right hand across the table until he came in contact with the bowl. His left scanned the bowl for a spoon.

As his hand made contact with the spoon Oak couldn't help but sigh yet again. He would do anything for his vision back...
Every day for him feels like torture......
"What's wrong?" His mother asked placing a hand on his shoulder. Oak yelped in surprise, nearly jumping out of his chair.
"Hey calm down it's me." His mother cooed.
Oak regained his composure and rested his head on a hand.

"I just can't keep doing this." He stated. Though he couldn't see it his mother gave a worried expression. "W-what do you mean?" She asked. Oak groaned with annoyance. "I've only told you a hundred times." He growled through gritted teeth. His mother gave him a sad look. "Oak... things can't be as bad as you say... and if they are you just need to find the good in the situations." The statement made his blood boiled with frustration. "What POSITIVE?
Do you mean like how positive all the kids are to me at school when they smack my books down and humiliate me?! O-or what about games?! It's not like I fit in, I can't do half the shit the other kids can! I don't know where I'm going, I can't swim, I can barely even jump! So don't ever say 'find the positive in the situation, because there isn't any!"

When Oak finished he was out of breath and his mother was silent. "....I...." The sentence died in her mouth. Oak stood up and used his remembrance of the home to find the door. He reached out to where he remembered the countertop to be and grabbed his bag. "Bye mom," he said before slamming the door.

On his way to school Oak tripped and stumbled as he walked. It was difficult as using a mental map proved difficult for him when thing a were changing so frequently. One day it could be completely empty but the next a whole new food stand could appear.
It was small little inconveniences like this that made Oaks day go from bad to worse.

A loud banging of a metal bell rang through the area. Shit! I'm late! Oak thought as he quickened his pace slightly. As Oak jogged he had no idea how close he was to the building until. 'WHAM' Oak stumbled and gripped his face as he ran harshly into a large object. The distant sounds of laughs and giggles could be heard making Oak flustered with embarrassment.

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