Emp 2 : They say he is a f*ckboy and a player too . He had a lot of nightstands thats why his father kicked him out of his house ! I saw the photo of him with one of the strippers too !

Emp 1 : eww ~ How can Mr Min marry him ! Such a disgusting F*cker !

Emp 2 : Maybe to pull Mr Kim's leg !

They left still chatting .

Tae : *clinched his fists angrily but then flinched when he felt a hand on his shoulder *  EK !

Kook : What happened ! I was calling your name but no respond .

Tae : oh ! Sorry I zoned out . Won't we go to your office ?

Kook : let's go . * intertwined their hands together *

Tae : *smiles happily and tighten his grib on Kook's  hand * .

At Jeon's office

Felix : *bowing politely* g-good m-morning , s-sir .

Kook *softly* : morning , Felix . so what do we have for today ? *taking off his jacket* ...  Sit , Tae ...

Tae in mind : " Let's play ~"

Tae : *still standing while staring at Felix *

Felix *nervously* : Y-you h-have a m-meeting af..after 2 h-hours w-with M-mr c-choi a-and a-after i-it a-an ap...apoi..apoi-pointment w-with M-mrs L-Lee t-the f-fashion de-designer . T-thats a-all fo-for t-today , s-sir .

Kook : alright ! ... Oh sorry . I forgot to introduce you !  ... Tae , this is Felix my secretary and he is like my little brother and Felix this is __

Tae : *smiling towards Felix and offered his hand  * Hello , Felix . I'm Taehyung his husband . It's nice to meet a cutie like you here . * flirting tone * If you're not taken then wait for me till I get divorce . I won't let you go from hands  *wink*~

Felix *nervously shakes their hands together * : N-nice t-to m-meet y-you t-too , s-sir *sweating because he felt the burning glares from kook * .

Tae : *brought Felix's hand towards his lips and pecks on the back of it and looked at him seductively * Call me Tae !

Felix *blushing * : * quickly takes his hand back *

Kook *deeply *: Go back to work , Felix !

Felix :  *bowed and left while sweating hard *

Tae : * smirks then turns to look at kook's glare with a confused innocent eyes * Wae ? ~

Kook stood up and approached Tae with a quiet but deep steps while digging holes into Tae's soul with his sharp glare. Tae gulped nervously while staring at kook'a dangerous eyes . He cursed himself in his mind for teasing him  .

Tae tried to escape but kook was quicker and grabbed his waist tightly and pulled him towards him with one hand while the other grabbed tae's hair tightly making his head tilt to the back and him to hiss in pain .

Kook *angrily low dangerous tone * : what do you think your doing !! Flirting in front of my own eyes and I'll keep quiet huh? .. *shouts while tightening his grib* ANSWER ME !

Tae *trembling in fear but kept his cool on * : What is your problem ?! I can't see it ! ... Anyway , I'm just a formal husband and you'll divor_ MMM !

Kook attached their lips together in rough kiss . He was abusing Tae's lips by biting and sucking it harshly . Tae was moaning in pain and pleasure at the same time but he kissed him back using the same roughness and harshness .

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