Chapter 16. This cant be happening!

Start from the beginning

"Just a little bit, but imagine what people ask me

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"Just a little bit, but imagine what people ask me." She said and motioned to herself. "Oh you're just silly.."Jane scoffed and took her shoes off. Ruby does the same and went over and set the food down before flopping on the couch. "Ow!" She said and pulled out a remote she landed on. "Pfft that's what you get.."Jane said laughing to herself. "Don't be a meanie!" She said and then sit up properly and turned the tv on kinda flipping through channels. Jane saw this as an opportunity to get the drinks out, once she did she walked into the living room and set both wines down. "Nobody likes the wine I have so I got a backup sweeter one. If you wanna mix it with lemonade let me know." She said and poured herself a glass of her usual wine. "Just mix both of them with mine." Ruby said while switching channels and Jane's eyes widened. "?? Uh..are..Are you sure? You don't drink alcohol much do you.." Jane said with a sweat drop. "I'll be all right. Go ahead!" Ruby put it on a fitting horror movie and she grabbed her food out and then Jane's and set it in front of her. Jane poured her glass and slid it to Ruby. "Thank you." Ruby said and was excited to eat. "You put it on a horror movie? Why so?" Jane asked and looked over seeing Ruby already digging in and looked over when she got asked a question. "cuz your emo." She said muffled because she was chewing still. "Hey finish chewing before you speak!" She said to Ruby and then she swallows and grabbed her mixed dark and light strawberry, black berry wine Jane just created. She took a sip and swallowed everything in her mouth and she hiccups. "Dammit-" Jane started laughing. "Pfft you got the hiccups." She said and drunk her wine. "How does yours taste?" Jane asked and Ruby looked down at her cup. "It actually tastes pretty good."She said and passed Jane her food."Go on and eat before it gets cold, or i'll eat it." Ruby said looking cheeky. "You better not, i'll make you walk to work."She said looking at Ruby before starting to dig in and looked over to the movie watching it. "I thought you'd be your room emo like?" Ruby asked drinking more wine. "Just because I like all black doesn't make me em..-" she stopped because Ruby drunk all of the wine out of her glass and opened the wine bottle and was drinking from it. "That's not how you drink wine!! That's mine you know don't drink it all! is it your first time actually drinking!?" Jane snatched the bottle from her and it was a bit more than halfway gone. "Oh you owe me.."
"Haaahaaa..When I get paaaid.." Ruby said looking smug. "I'm calling Y/N so if you forget he remembers." She said dialing his number and it was ringing and then the voicemail played. "..!? wha.." Jane was confused but looked over at Ruby. "Hey Jaaane..~"She looked very smug and blushed lightly. "Oh. fuck." Jane said glancing at the phone before her fate was made the clock read 5:46pm.
The phone ringing transitions to talking to Mary on the phone.
"Ooh..I see..Well you can stop by my place then. It isn't that far and you're biking so..I can give you tips on how to meditate. This always calms me down. I can just tell by the way you're talking. You're very stressed out." Mary said to Y/N, who was outside the hospital near his bike. " bear with me if I seem off.." Y/N replied and Mary could be heard giggling on the other end of the phone. "If anything i'm excited because we haven't hung out really outside work." Mary brought up and that made Y/N think and wonder about Vincena, he hasn't seen her in a few days and thought about checking up on her, but that'll be for later. "I'll be on my way soon." He checked the time on his phone and it read 5:24pm. He gets on his bike and started peddling off to Mary's address trying not to panic and overreact. "Maybe once we get this man shut down and busted everything can go back to normal. Yeah! Thinking positively things might go in my favor." He said having a cocky smile on his face his emotion to get everything back to its write order made him peddling a lot faster than he thought. Soon he made it over to Mary's house he stopped his bike and looked and admired this place. "The money this guy Mairusu makes..and pays he has to be a secret playboy or something.."He said shocked and slowly walked his bike up and before he could attempt to put his bike right by the side of the house Mary came outside in a Yoga instructor like outfit. "You can let it down on the porch if you'd like, we can't let that get too dirty, you got a lot of miles on that yeah?" She asked smiling lightly and had a hand on her hip. "A-Ah..Yeah one second sorry." He said and then walked his bike up on the porch and set the kickstand up. "I'm not..let's see how to put it..Not used to you being so.." Y/N tried thinking of the word but Mary chimed in. "Confident? Oh don't worry..I get that a lot and I can't blame anyone for thinking so. Honestly after I meditate or do Yoga I feel like I can take down the world." She said joking but there was some serious intent in that sentence as well. "Right now i'm on fire so come on and hurry up!"She grabbed his arm. "Huh..? Woah!" Y/N got dragged into Mary's house and into the living room. She had two floor mats, for the both of you and a little speaker that was playing some jazz music. "Now I hope your flexible, if not i'll stretch you properly." She said and she just looked and acted like an entirely different person, in a way it was pretty intimidating a cocky confident woman in a way it was sexy to Y/N but he had to focus and pay attention. Before that though you decided to take a look around the place.

 Before that though you decided to take a look around the place

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"Wow..Mary this place is pretty." Y/N said honestly and Mary blushed lightly smiling. "Thank you." She said smiling. "Now, Do you need help with Yoga or should we start with meditation?" She asked Y/N for his opinion. "Meditation would work, clear mind then I can stretch the pain away." He said and Mary giggled softly and sat down turning the music off. You quickly imitate her actions "Well, usually I do it with calming noises but it's really quiet today so we'll try to find our inner peace and calm our nerves to find what relaxes us the most and gain our power to get through life." Mary said and looked at Y/N. "I'm no professional though but you get into the iconic position, close your eyes and.."She closed her eyes in her pose without doing the okay motion with her hands and went quiet finding her peace almost immediately. Slowly you repeat her actions going or at least attempting to go deep into your own mind. But you see too much things and stuff seems fuzzy. Some crazy things was happening like you and William having a stand off with Michael on standby, this makes you panic just a bit hoping this wasn't some sort of foreshadow. "Breathe! I'm hearing a lack of breathing, how the hell will you win a race without using your lungs hmm? Just focus on you..focus on something, anything that brings you peace and then slowly if you have to picture yourself as the strongest, the honored one if that helps." She broke out of her meditation to help out Y/N. ". . You're right.." Y/N said softly and changed his way of things, the thing that brought him peace was his dream. Everyone in the Pizzeria and everyone having a good time and customers and people having a better bond with the girls and people not sexualizing them as much as they do now noticing that they have feelings and can interact more humanoid then they thought. Holding a cup of coffee looking smug as the chaotic purple duo has been dealt with accordingly. All this reminds Y/N what he needs to stay calm and what to keep fighting for, since it'll be all worth it in the end. Y/N was breathing right and now was properly meditating taking stress off his mind. "That's how you do it. just a few more minutes kay?" Y/N was too much in focus he didn't respond and Mary was excited and patiently until the clock hit 5:36pm. She went to gently shake Y/N, and his eyes slowly open. "Hm..?" "How do you feel?" Mary asked gently. " ease, I kinda forgot what I was worried about but it's still on my mind until the day comes.." Y/N said kinda in defeat but wanted to see how it'd feel to be fully relaxed. "Well, Now it's time for Yoga then. Stand." She said and Y/N slowly gets up but Mary got behind Y/N and held him close resting her hands on his legs, this making him blush a tad bit. "M-mary.." He said. "Hmm? What's up?" She replied and then Y/N looked away. "N-nothing..Here, guide me." He said and Mary smiled before. "Spread your legs out a bit to make a capital A shape." Mary she instructed and he does just that, Mary grabbed his left arm and slowly pushed him to lean on his side. "If it hurts try to keep going..we'll hold this for 20 seconds and do the other side. Then we'll stretch out your legs and i'll strike a yoga pose and you follow, if you need help of course let me know." She said and kept pushing lightly and counted slowly. You feel Mary gently pushing and the pain wa light but he didn't plan to quit too early on. "Gghn.." Y/N grunted and quietly Mary said. "Done." Then she slowly returned him to the default stance and did the same thing but on the opposite stretching his limbs out more. Then returned him to his default stance."Phew..okay now what?" Y/N asked and Mary responded with sitting down. "Now we stretch our legs firmly and we're ready for yoga." she spread her legs and got in the butterfly stretch position. Y/N slowly followed"Gghn.." "If it hurts it works, remember." Mary said watching him get into position. "Go pass your limits." Y/N looked around trying to focus but ended up looking back at Mary staring near her crotch region and slowly started to wonder why she didn't have any panty line if she was wearing yoga pants, paying more attention noticing her cameltoe and blushed heavy and quickly adverted his eyes. "We're almost done just a little longer, but did something catch your eye?" Mary asked him confused. "N-nothing at all!" Y/N quickly said. "Well now we can start downward dog."She said smirking.Y/N quickly nodded. "Well here so i'll guide you to do the pose and then you can guide me, sound good?"
"Y-yeah here.."Y/N stands up and walked over to Mary, she would then slowly push and get him into downward dog position and Y/N took a deep breath and felt his phone ringing. "..? Ah-" "Distractions." Mary said and reached into his pocket and saw that it was Jane and shrugged thinking it wasnt something major, she put the phone on silent checking the time before tossing it. The time was 5:46pm.
To be continued.

(5059 words.)

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