Chapter 18- Fighting

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~Mitch's POV~

I've spent most of my time at the hospital, right next to Jerome. To sum it all up, Jaz is injured, Vikk is traumatized, and I'm depressed. Jerome and I have been best friends since 4th grade. How can I not sit in my room all day and do absolutely nothing? Especially, when I get a call, telling me if Jerome doesn't wake up in 48 hours, they're pulling the plugs.

"Mitch, open up!"

They've been trying to get me out of my room, but I refuse every time. I just lay in my dark room listening to Endstone.

"We're going to the hospital. Hurry up, dude!" Lachlan's accent booms through the door.

"Out in a sec." I groan as I sit up in my bed, pulling on different pair of clothes and fixing my hair. To the hospital, where my nightmares roam.

~Jerome's POV~

"I'm sorry, sir, but if Mr. Aceti doesn't wake up within 48 hours, we will have to unhook him from our machines."

That made my adrenalin run rapid. I have to fight this darkness. If I don't, I'll let my biggums down. I will never see the Pack again, except from above. I'll never speak to my family members. All because of these stupid people who think it's right to kidnap others, preventing them from living their lives normally. I guess our lives aren't as normal as we thought they were.

"Biggums, please. Wake up. I can't live without you. You're probably one of the best people I've ever stumbled upon. Just please, stay with me." Mitch.

I need to do this. For my Family. For the Pack. For Mitch.

After a long time, I find myself in my own body, struggling to open my eyes. Finally, white fills my surroundings.

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