Chapter 12- Hospitalized

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~Preston's POV~

I run up to a random black van that, thank god, has the keys in the ignition. I wait until everyone loads into the van before driving off. I ask Dahmani for directions, since I don't know the area. Heck, I don't even know where we are! He hands me his phone and says, "Type in 'Saint Charles Hospital, New Jersey'." I type it in and follow the GPS's command.

After about 21 minutes, we arrive at the hospital. We burst in through the door with Jaz in Lachlan's arms. Rob and Mitch are carrying Jerome in by the arms. Dahmani went to the front to request for rooms immediately. When the hospital gurdies come in, I come in to help with Jerome. Lachlan sets Jaz on the other one and they are taken to their rooms. I sit in the waiting room, watching as Mitch paces back and forth. "Will you sit, you little cactus? They'll be fine," I say, looking at him. "How can I be calm when two of our good friends have been injured and they both lost a lot of blood!?!?" Mitch says, almost yelling. I sigh then return to my phone.

~Mitch's POV~

I pace back and forth as I wait for the results. Preston tells me to sit , but I resist. All I want to do is record. I finally sit down and grab my phone. I go on Twitter and look at all the comments: Where are the vids? Mitch, where r u? Post Vids Plz!! I need Hunger Deens!! All of these comments make me tear up and I put my head to my knees. Finally, the doctor comes in with results.

"Jasmine is fine. She is going through surgery as we speak. She has a broken ankle which will take a while to heal," he pauses. "But, Jerome is in a more severe case. He's in a coma from loosing too much blood. His blood level is deeply low. We can't do anything until he awakens. But, you may visit him." With that he leaves.

We all rise and walk up to Jerome's room. We enter cautiously, trying not to make too much noise. Jerome lays there, still as a rock. I approach him and just stare, hands in my hoodie. He's pale and looks super weak. I begin to tear up again and dash out of the room. I hear other footsteps, but I don't turn to look. I burst through the hospital doors and go pass the parking lot to the garden. I sit at a tree and cry until my heart's content. I hear even more footsteps and assume it Lachlan, Preston, and Rob. I just sit there staring at the clouds. Suddenly, I scream.

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