Chapter 8- Torture Pt. 1

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~Vikk's POV~

I yelp as they push me into the wooden chair. They strap me down and then I can't see. I hear a man's footsteps as he walks around us.

"Well, well well. Isn't it all the members of the Pack." Wait. He knows us? "We've been planning this for weeks. Figuring out where you were gonna be at the time we attacked. It wasn't hard thanks to your v-logs. We also needed to figure out HOW we were gonna do this without anyone noticing. Now that was the hard part. We weren't expecting Vikk to be in Alabama, but it worked out perfectly. No secret jet needed." He touches my face, pressing down hard. I feel like screaming, but I don't. "So we're gonna test some things on you. And by test, I mean torture." He laughs evilly and walks away.

The room only has one person in it. I know because these people don't know how to blind fold properly. He walks over to us examining our faces. Especially, mine. "What do you want?" I say. He jumps back. I hear something hit the floor. "I'm sorry." She says. It's a girl.

~Jasmine's POV~

"I'm sorry," I say. I sound like myself. Uh-Oh. I see the voice replicator on the floor and inserted it back in my neck.

"Wait. You're a girl?" Vikk asks. I panic, but tell him the truth.

"Yes. I'm the one that carried you in this house, but I didn't kidnap you. I'm undercover right now. I have this voice replicator that copied the voice of the man that took you here. You were beat up and bruised so I was very careful. I'm sorry, but I need to figure out more info, until then I can't set you all free. So I say just this one thing. Stay strong and be careful." I kiss him on the cheek then walk away. I lower the others' blind folds a little so they can see all the activity. Then, I go back to the corner I was in before.

~Lachlan's POV~

I see a girl pull down my blind fold a little. I heard her conversation with Vikk and trust her. "Thx," I say.

"No prob, lil' Lachy." She knows me.

She smiles and helps the others. Then goes back to her regular position which was in a corner in front of me. The guy returns with another woman by his side. She looks like a young adult. He whispers something in her ear and she nods. He pointed at me and Vikk when he said that to her and I'm shaking. She walks over to me slowly. I pretend that I don't see and she grabs my chair. I jump pretending I didn't know. "Don't worry," she says. "You'll enjoy this."

She starts dragging me into a room and locks me in there. All there is is a big TV screen. It turns on and reveals someone in a different room. Vikk.

~Vikk's POV~

I see a girl walking towards me and panic. She unties me and takes my blind fold off. She grabs my shirt and pulls me into a room with a table. It had a bunch of medical supplies, but in my case, they weren't gonna be used for healing. She examines me and asks devilishly, "Does it hurt?" I nod.

"Maybe this will make them feel better," she grabs a syringe and stabs it in my side. I scream as it spreads throughout my body. It hurts so bad, I scream louder. I see the nice girl starring at me while I scream. I see a tear go down her face because she can't do anything but watch. I close my eyes as I gasp for air. I'm still yelling. "What did you do to me?" I say wincing in pain. "Just a little poison. Not too harmful, but hurts. Stevens, get him back to his spot." She says, then leaves. My arms are weak so I do nothing. The trustworthy girl lifts me up slightly. I realize I'm crying when the girl carefully wipes away my tears.

"I'm sorry this happened to you. I don't know what their deal is, but it'll be over before you know it. I promise." She lightly hugs me and I'm glad she cares. She reties my wrists, because that's her "job". She leads me back to my seat and ties my ankles then blind folds me. I just sit there and moan in pain.

"Wait. What's your name?" I ask.

"I'm Jasmine. Call me, Jaz." With that she walks away.

~Lachlan's POV~

I watch as the same girl that threw me in here pushes Vikk to the ground. I see the other girl that's trying to save us as well. "Does it hurt?" she says devilishly. Vikk nods, looking worried. "Maybe this will help," then, she stabs a needle into Vikk's side and he starts screaming in pain. I scream as well. One of my bestest friends, getting stabbed with a syringe, and all bruised. The woman said that the poison is harmless, but hurts a lot. She then exits the room. I want to kill that woman. I cry a river, but feel a little better when the good girl helps him. Then, I hear the door open. It's Her. "Get away from me," I say disgusted. "I'm just here to bring you back," she grabs my arm and I yelp. She has a strong grip. I'm thrown in the chair. And she leaves.

~Preston's POV~

I hear Lachlan sobbing as he's dragged back to his place. Then, I see the girl, that's on our side ,carefully bring Vikk back to his chair. I think what's gonna happen next, but this is what I listen to:

"Wait. What's your name?"

"I'm Jasmine. Call me, Jaz."

She's got a nice name. "Hey, Jaz," I blurt out. What the heck, Preston?

"Yeah, Lava P?"

"Wait. You know me?" She watches me?

"Yeah. I know every member of the Pack. You guys always make my day." That makes me smile. "Anyway, what's up?"

"Can you figure out who's next? Like to be tortured I mean?" I ask curious. Will it be me?

"I'll try," she says. With that she walks out of the room.

~10 minutes later~

Everyone enters the room. I look for Jaz, but don't see her. Guess she is still talking. I just sit and wait. I then see her walk out with who I think is the boss. I don't hear what there saying, but I pick out two words. "Preston's next." I frown and wait for it to come. Right away, I feel something on my head. The sack.

~Jasmine's POV~

I walk into the room after Preston's request. I find the boss sitting there talking to the girl that hurt Vikk physically and Lachlan mentally. I decide to wait since I don't want to get near her. Especially, if she hurt them.

~9 minutes later~

He hands her a wad of cash and she leaves. I walk over to the boss and start talking, making sure the replicator is on. "Nice work. I enjoyed Vikk and Lachlan screaming in pain. Too good."

"It wouldn't have been as good if you didn't beat Vikk up." We both laugh and I ask, "Who's next on the list?" We walk out of the room. "Preston's next." I look over at him. I guess he heard because he frowns and looks down. "What are you gonna do?" I ask.

"When we tried capturing Preston the first time, one of our guys put a burlap sack over his head and he totally freaked out. Lucky for him, Rob was there, but we took care of that. He said he couldn't breathe well. So, we're gonna do it again and for a longer amount of time." He laughs and walks out of the room. I look and see Preston already getting surprised by the burlap sack. He jumps and begins panicking. He just stops and accepts it. I felt like crying, seeing what they are doing to one of the best group of people I've ever came across. They all leave and I run over to him.

"I'm so sorry for this." I say removing the sack. I take out my pocket knife a remove all the layers but 2. I put it back on, but I don't tighten the strings too much. "That's better. Is it easier to breathe?" He nods. "Good. Be careful." I say and walk away.

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