"Things we used to do?" she asks.  He watches her cheeks blush and her eyes flick to his crotch for a second before she looks at him again. "Yeah, we used to do that a lot too," he says hiding his grin. "Sorry..." she whispers covering her mouth with her hand in embarrassment. "Don't be embarrassed. We were always very physically attracted to each other. But, I have something else planned today," he says. They used to fuck a lot. Any time, any place. Her simply batting her lashes at him got him going, he never got enough of her. He will never get enough of her, fuck, what he would do to get her under him once again - it's been a long ten fucking years.

"OK. I will go with you but I want you to answer a question first."

Fuck. He knows what she is going to ask and while he does not regret any of his choices or lack thereof, it is slightly embarrassing. "Go on then," he says.

"So were you celibate for these past ten years?"

"Geeze baby. You not even going to ease into it?"

"No point in pussy footing around...pun intended."

"No. I was not celibate, I am not a nun. But, there was never anyone else."

Her brows shoot up and then she frowns. "Did you..." she says waiving her hands around her body, "while I was sleeping?"

"Are you insane? I would never, that's fucking creepy."

"Well, if you were not celibate and there was never anyone else...unless... prostitutes count as someone else by the way."

Austin lets out a deep sigh because he has been acting like a teenage boy with a crush on his babysitter for the last ten years and her plastered to his fucking side in the bed every night does not help. He is fucking superhuman at this point in his dam life.  "No prostitutes," he mumbles. Kill him now. "Then what did you do? Ten years was a long time and honestly Austin I won't be mad. How can I be mad at you for-"

"My hand...the scar you left on my palm has its uses."

Cleo's mouth drops open and she stares, shocked, at Austin. "Oh. That's...wow... that's some real restraint, Austin. Ten years...ten."

"Can you please stop repeating ten years? I know how long it was."

"I...I don't understand. Why?" she asks him, looking at him with big eyes. She feels sorry for him. At this point, he feels sorry for himself too. He can also see that she truly would understand, that she would not hold it against him if he had slept with someone else. But, even if he says it was a choice - it wasn't really.

"Because you are my wife, Cleo. I promised to stay faithful to you through everything. You being in a coma did not change that for me. Besides, it just did not feel right. Can we move on? My pride is severely bruised."

Cleo stares at him, he can see her face is a mix of guilt and pity. But, thankfully she just nods and then stands quietly and pockets her phone. "Let's go," she whispers. Austin stays quiet too, hopefully, she forgets this all soon and they can pretend it never happened. They walk down to the underground parking lot and climb into the car he had rented for their day trip. Then head out to the neighborhood they used to live in and fuck around in. He gets a little nervous when he starts driving over the bridge, the scene of her accident is just on the other side and he does not know if seeing it will trigger anything for her but they drive past and she looks out the window with no response. She does not remember. Just after her crash site, he turns left into the studio parking lot.

"Where are we?" she asks looking around as she climbs out. His heart sinks a little. They used to spend most of their time here. Almost every day and even late into the night. "It's a studio," he says. He can see her trying to remember it, growing slightly frustrated with herself when nothing comes to her. "Come on," he says ushering her inside.

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