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the air felt cold. i was sitting in a car with some random driver that was assigned to me, on my way to a swedish boarding school, hillerska.
my parents wanted me to switch schools after some stuff happened at my old one in madrid. i really wished i could've done things different, then i wouldn't have had to come here. but, what's in the past stays in the past, and... that's for me to get into another time.

i looked down at my phone.
'18:32 P.M'
the driver had barely spoken to me the whole ride but it's not like i was interested in sparking up a conversation with him anyways. i was too invested losing myself in my own thoughts. i didn't know what to expect from my new school. not to mention that missing the first month of school didn't help in not draw attention any more to me.

god was i panicking. i somewhat understood swedish, it was similar to spanish in some words but i could not speak it for the love of me. i also knew no history of sweden. i knew they had a monarchy but i figured i wouldn't encounter them in anyway.
worst of all, i had no idea of what the teens there would think of me or what they'd be like. would they like me? hate me? not talk to me?think i'm pretty? think i'm weird? would i spend the next 8 months by myself because no one wanted to be friends with me?

after what felt like an eternity, the car drove onto a bumpy road which went through a path of trees, and soon enough, it parked in front of a big building with vintage architecture.

so, THIS was the well-known, prestigious boarding school of "hillerska".

intimidating much.

i sat in my car seat until the driver opened the door for me. i stepped out of the car, my boots hitting the grainy pebbled floor. there was a middle aged lady with blonde hair standing near where i was. she was in formal clothes; a blazer, skirt, tights, and heels.

"y/n l/n?" the woman called out in a thick swedish accent, with a big smile on her face; as the car driver was getting my things out of the car.

who the fuck is that and what is she smiling so much for?

"yes?" i replied, awkwardly smiling back at her.

"it is very nice to meet you. i am the headmaster of the school." she said approaching me.

i stuck out my hand and shook her hand.
"nice to meet you too, miss."

the woman motioned for the driver to follow us and help carry my luggage for me. we walked as she explained some things about the school. boring things. stuff like the rules we had, curfews, classes, grades. i couldn't be bothered to pay attention. i silently nodded, pretending i was paying attention when in reality i was just looking around and trying to accept that this was my life now.
there were some teens; both boys and girls, who were hanging around with their friends and playing sports in the grass.
eventually we reached another building, smaller than the one i had just seen. the headmaster pulled opened the door and motioned for me to come in.
as i walked in, i noticed what looked like a common room for students to hang out in. it had a table and a couch and tv, among other furniture and items.

"this is the girls dormitory." she said.

i remained quiet, looking around.

"this is the common room, where you can be with other students. over here are the hallways with the dorms."

she led me to the left and we passed multiple dorms before reaching a last one. she handed me a key and opened the door for me.

"this will be your dorm. your parents requested for you to have your own room, so you won't have a roommate like most students."

"thank you." i replied, taking the key then giving her a forced grin.
the driver placed all my luggage inside the room and left.

"i must leave now. dinner is at... 7:30 P.M. if you require help for anything, you may ask one of your classmates, ask a teacher, or try to find me." the headmaster said, checking her watch and finally leaving me by myself.

i closed the door to my new room, now looking at everything in front of me. the room was rather small. to the left, it had a bed, which was small, just like the room, but- it's a school, not a hotel after all. the bed covers were dark blue and it had two normal pillows on it, along with a decorative one with the school's logo and name.
to the right, there was a big wooden desk. it looked like it had been there for awhile. there was a window that sat right in the middle of the room, in-between the desk and bed.
the bathroom was to the left as well, and seemed... clean enough.

all too well // august horn av årnäs x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang