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"...hello?" i knocked on the door.

felice opened it and smiled at me.
"you're here!"

"y/n är här!!" she called out into the room.

i smiled softly at her.
"i am"

i stepped in. fredericka, maddy, stella and maria were in the room. stella was brushing fredericka's hair, maddy was doing her makeup and maria was curling her hair.

felice brought me to her shared closet with maddy and showed me some clothes. she said i could wear something of theirs if i didn't have anything to wear.
the stuff ranged from cute skirts and dresses to... sultrier pieces.

i wasn't sure what to wear and hell, i wasn't even sure i wanted to go to the party. it didn't feel appropriate after my little moment with august and the tension between us. bad tension. then again, maybe i was overthinking it. i sensed tension but he probably didn't- he still wanted me to go, and i had agreed and was already at the girls' dorm. there was no backing out anymore.

after searching through clothing, felice helped me picked out three different outfits. the first one was a long sleeve black dress that showed some cleavage, paired with a pair of black heels. the second one was a black corset top with lace trim and a jean skirt. probably with boots or heels. and the third, a short sleeve light blue satin dress with matching sparkly baby blue heels.

the second option.

looking hot and kissing cute guys was never a bad thing, right?

i changed my clothes into the second option that felice and i came up with. a black corset top now sitting on my upper half. it had lace trim on the edges and had a slight pattern in the body. a pair of low black heels, and ultimately a jean miniskirt.

once maddy was done with her makeup she came over to me holding a necklace. she wrapped it around my neck and struggled to clasp it but was able to. the necklace was made from gold and had a heart-shaped locket at the bottom. one of those lockets where you can put pictures.
i had asked her if there was a picture inside and she said no, she had never worn it because she was a "silver girl" and not one who wears gold, so it just sat in her jewelry box until now; when she found someone who wears and looks good in gold.

i studied my look in the mirror to figure out my hair and make up. i set upon straight hair and black eyeliner with pink lipstick.

the girls and i started taking pictures of ourselves to post on instagram. they all looked so beautiful. once we were done getting ready and messing around, it was around 22:56, so we left for the party.

it was at an abandoned house near hillerska. the inside was decorated with lights and some cheap decorations. there was loud music and bottles of all possible types of alcohols everywhere.
fredericka and stella left one way,  maddy and felice went in another, and maria was off making out with some guy already.
felice had invited me to go with them but i didn't wanna look like a lost puppy who had to be with her friends the whole time.

i noticed the prince sitting on the couch by himself and figured i'd come over and say hi.

"i didn't know you were the prince." i said trying to speak over the loudness of the music, laughing slightly and sitting next to him.

"you did not?" he asked.

"i'm not swedish- i thought you were just some random hillerska student."

"i wish." wilhelm laughed, shaking his head.

"how come?" i asked smiling.

why wouldn't you want to be a royal? i mean, i know i would love to. it'd be so fun. you don't have to work, you have tons and tons of money, you get to spend that money however you want, and everyone always respects you.

"everyone is always so judgy towards me."
he rolled his eyes jokingly.

"yeah, but then again, they're judgy with everyone. it's how we teens are." i shrugged.

it was true. no matter who you were or what you did, people always found a reason to judge you. especially kids your age.


he looked a little upset and i felt bad for him.

"come on, don't tell me you've NEVER judged someone?" i said playfully, trying to brighten up the mood.

"...i have." he replied.

"exactly, we all do it. we all judge and get judged ourselves. it's just about whether you give a shit about the judgement or not..."
"do YOU give a shit?" i tilted my head at him.


"wrong answer!!"

he laughed at me, confused.

"do you give a shit?" i asked again, hoping he was understanding my point.

"...no?" he replied.

"say it with your chest! "no!" "




"NOOOO!!" we both said in unison, beginning to laugh together.
i hadn't even drank yet and was acting like this.

i guess i just tend to want to help people. if you're upset, i'll feel the need to make you feel better no matter who you are.

the yelling had caught august's attention, and he pushed his way through people, making his way over to the couch where wilhelm and i were sitting together.

"i'm gonna go get us drinks, yeah?" i said to wilhelm, trying to hide that i knew august was coming over.

"yeah, alright." he nodded and smiled at me.

i felt a little bad for leaving wilhelm alone with him but oh well. he was his cousin so... he'd be fine.

all too well // august horn av årnäs x readerWhere stories live. Discover now