"But how is it the Four Kings? Wouldn't it be the Three Kings and Queen? They should've kept it as The Aces, more gender neutral and less confusing."

"I thought you wanted this to be quick."

"Alright, alright. Just saying."

"Anyway, she's basically a prodigy excelling in all academic subjects but also exceptional in home economics. She's also got this mysterious air to her."

"What do you mean?"

"No one really knows what her family does for a living. She just showed up out of the blue in St. Sinclair and the Kings immediately invited her into the group."

"What? Just on the spot?"

"On the spot. The other three were friends back to the first year of school and kept a line between them and everybody else, regardless of class in society. But with her, it was like they were just drawn to her."

"She must be an heiress to some dynasty or something." Bet she's super hot, too. Cassandra thought to herself. The guys probably could just sense they were in the same posh class.
"She's very reserved and mature. Sources have noted she was in a relationship with a guy on the school swim team near the end of term but I don't know if they broke up since she doesn't bother uploading any pictures of her partners on social media. Or put much of anything on there but hey, that's why they call her wallflower."

Yep, definitely a hottie. Cassandra concluded to herself. Probably a glamour model too and stuck up since she has insanely handsome guy friends.

Suddenly, Cassandra felt a pang of jealously at a girl she'd never even met before. God, she was pathetic. "And the fourth one?"

"Ah yes, last but never the least; Garren Adler. Known as the sovereign King. Dad is a multimillionaire and he's a certified genius. He plays as a midfielder on the football team, attends the advance classes so he's sort of a blue moon. The only time you could run into him is at the lunch hall or maybe if you're in his PE class. The Coeus club members are the most fortunate at being near him up close and he's the club captain. Actually, he's the youngest ever to be elected since it's traditionally given to seniors but he's held captaincy since last year."

"Whoa, sounds really accomplished."

"That's why he's the leader."

Lydia's footsteps abruptly came to a stop then, causing Cassandra to seal her steps also.

"All I'll say is this though," Lydia glanced over her shoulders not once, but twice and spoke in a whisper, "he isn't someone you want to cross. Ever. With him, he literally could do anything. So always be careful if you run into him, Cassandra. Very careful."


Suddenly, the chairs all around Cassandra were being pushed back as the students got up from their seats. She'd spaced out to the extent she hadn't heard the bell ring nor the teacher officially dismissing them. The vivid fear in Lydia's eyes back when she said that statement circled in Cassandra's mind.

She didn't really understand the warning. Sure, the blokes were movie star level attractive and exceptionally bright but they were still just rich kids who ruled because of their parents' money. Nothing to be afraid of. Lydia was just naïve and believed everything, sadly.

As Cassandra walked to the front to hand in her sheet, the teacher stopped her on her way out. "Ms. Lovett, please be sure to make a stop by the headmaster's office before you go to your next class."

She heeded and after getting directions, she found herself standing in front of the polished oakwood door and an antique grandfather clock a few feet away. Cassandra thumped her knuckles on the frame twice, as her biochemistry teacher strongly advised.

Adler | The Monarch & The Heirs BOOK 2.Where stories live. Discover now