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I had this urge to text him, talk to him

But couldn't because the only place he was mine was in my dreams

I wanted to support him in every phase of his life

While he looked at her as his future wife

He was everything I ever wanted and exactly what I couldn't have

I was so blind in love with him didn't realise my situation would get this bad 

So bad that I saw him everywhere In the water drops, in the rain, in the storms, in the fucking air

But he wasn't mine, he would never be mine

Because when I waited whole day for him, he thought about me only when he was bored and had time

I thought that I'd be the one for him, the one for whom he'll change

Now I finally realised that I was nothing more than a pawn in his game

The realisation hit me as hard as the love for him did

I couldn't give him anything else than the goodbye I bid

Because he would be far more happier without me 

If only the love I had was visible to him, if only he could see

So today once again after 5 years

As I rubbed my eyes embarrassed by those escaping tears

I was here sitting on the edge of the bed Mourning an alive person's death

And had this urge to text him 

But couldn't because the only place he was mine was in my dreams

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