4. emotions

28 1 13

Summer's PoV

I begin to walk through Emily's house, following her lead as she shows me around. It's honestly how I expected; It's really neat and has a classy look to it. It's the total opposite of mine.

And even though I should be focused on the house, I can't help but admire the way Emily looks. It's sort of strange seeing her without a pair of heels on her feet or without an item of red clothing on her body. Instead, she's wearing a pair of tan shorts and a small tank top to match.

Keep yourself together, Summer.

Sometimes I have to remind myself to compose myself and not to act like a horny teenage boy. I can definitely be worse than that.

"So... do you just wanna sit on the couch?" She asks "I can put on the TV if you'd like."

I shake my head "No, that's okay. I don't really watch much TV."

She looks quite nervous "Oh, okay. It's fine."

I take a seat beside her on the couch and I can feel the awkwardness in the room. I don't know why this is happening because we always have something to talk about.

"So... uhm-." She begins to speak before I cut her off.

"Can we just stop with all the awkward silence crap?" I ask her "I invited myself over so that we could have a good time."

As friends, of course.

"Sorry, it's just that I don't usually have a lot of people over at the house. The only person that's ever visited is Riley. It's just weird having a friend over."

"Don't worry, I get it. It's okay." I try to reassure her.

I look over at the kitchen, remembering what I promised her. I mean, I'm not the best cook but I can definitely give it my best shot. I once cooked my entire family a meal a few years ago... I did give them all food poisoning but it was the thought that counted.

"Anyway, why don't I go and make you something to eat?" I suggest.

She looks a little concerned "You're not gonna set my house on fire, are you?"

"You really have zero faith in me, don't you?"

She replies "I still don't trust Michelle and we've been living together for years now. Trust me, the only person I'll ever trust is myself."

"I'm sure I can change that." I tell her whilst getting up off of the couch and walking towards her kitchen.

Emilys's PoV

I watch as Summer walks towards the kitchen. I sip from my glass of wine as I stare at her lustfully. She excites me but I know that it's wrong and I could never tell her that.

I watch her as she spends some time making me some food. I take my time looking over every single part of her, my heart racing as I feel the way my body reacts when I look at her. And I find myself squeezing my legs together when all I want to do is have her head between them.

I really should stop drinking this wine before I do something that I'll probably regret.

And before I know it, she's walking back into the room with a plate in her hand and I'm snapped out of my trance.

"Here you go, I hope you enjoy." She hands over the plate to me.

I force a smile "T- thanks."

Summer's PoV

Emily has been really quiet for a while. I keep catching her staring off at different areas of the room and I can't help but think that there's something on her mind. I don't wanna pressure her to tell me though.

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