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{A little something for you. Have a blessed weekend, Be safe and enjoy!😉 }


I was currently in Sphe's study, working on my laptop. I was actually trying to stop myself from going next door. I really missed her. On the other hand, it has been days of me trying to reach Jessie but to no avail. Mom told me that she left Milani with her and left and I'm honestly worried about her because first of all I know she wouldn't just leave our daughter like that.

I'm disturbed from my work by Sphe barging into the study. He looks frightened

Me: "And then wena?!"

Sphe: "Remember how you said I was lying when I said I saw your babymama next door?!"

Me: "And I still say you were high wena! What would Jessie be doing in Ama's house?" I ask with a bit of a chuckle. He scoffs and gives me a mean look.

Sphe: "I guess you should go to the lounge and find out."

Me: "Bro, quit playing please!"

Sphe: "I have far more important things than to be playing with you la! Just go to the lounge, you have visitors." he leaves after that. I sigh then grab my phone and head downstairs. By the way, I'm in Durban because I'm still trying to apologise to Ama's brother and also waiting for his permission to come pay what's due of me.

Me: "Uhhh... Sanibona." To say i'm terrified would be understating what i'm feeling right now. I mean I have these two women, I hurt so much sitting here looking at me.

Jessie: "Just sit Umi." I smile nervously and take a seat opposite the both of them. This is for incase I may need to run away. Their faces also don't make anything better especially Ama because she looks like she's ready to murder me. I thought she had forgiven me nje.

Ama: "Sikhuluma nawe." she says almost snapping at me.

Me: "I'm sorry." I apologise squirming in my seat.

Jessie: "We want to know your intentions?! What were you hoping for when you played the both of us?!"

Me: "But I thought we spoke about this..."

Ama: "Don't annoy us Nathi."

Me: "Sorry."

Jessie: "We listening." I honestly feel like some type of b*tch.

Me: "I love you both so much and I love y'all differently. You both make my whole world complete. I know I sound crazy kodwa ngingathanda ngempela mangase ningivumele nobabili ukuthi nginithande kanye futhi ngikhombise indlela enginithanda ngayo."

Ama: "Do you under how your words sound to us?! You basically saying that not either one of us is woman enough for you alone. Wena usibukela phansi ukuthi usungaze ufune two women in your bed."

Jessie: "You actually don't appreciate us nor respect us. How sure are you even that you are not lusting one of us?!"

Me: "Because I know my heart. I can't imagine my life without the both of you in it..."

Ama: "Wait so since you can't 'imagine your life without one of us in it' then what happens if God forbid one of us passes or decides to leave you?!"

Jessie: "You still won't be able to settle with that one? You will go out looking for another woman who will complete your world too?! huh?!"

Me: "No."

Ama: "To me, it honestly seems like awuzazi ufunani Uminathi. Did you for a second think about us and our feelings when you came to the conclusion that we both make up your whole world?! Did you?!"

Me: "No." I honeslty couldn't even lie.

Ama: "I was willing to understand and actually take up on Jessie's idea of seeing where this whole polygamous relationship takes us but you just made me throw all that out the window ngoba awuzazi. I will not let you fulfill your selfish desires using my feelings mina." she clicks her tongue and leaves. Jessie shakes her head looking at me before she speaks again.

Jessie: "Can I ask something?! Don't take any offence."

Me: "Sure?"

Jessie: "Why isithembu?! because I sure as hell know that you wouldn't have never considered it if Simi's mom was still alive."

Me: "I just don't want to lose you two."

Jessie: "I need you to be very honest with me, act as if I'm not here." I nod.

Me: "Sure."

Jessie: "What made you think you love me?"

Me: "You are my child's mother and I like your personality. You are a very kind person, sensitive too but very wonderful."

Jessie: "Okay, and Ama?" I sigh rubbing my face.

Me: "She's very bold, something i'm not very used to. She never shys away from the truth. She's fierce and extremely intelligent. I love her feistiness too, she intrugues me. It's like I get to peel a new layer of her personality everyday and it's always refreshing. She's a freak too..." I trail off before I quickly shake my head and turn back to Jessie who is smiling a bit with tears in her eyes.

Me: "I'm sorry."

Jessie: "Don't be, I honestly think you an idiot. You messed things up with the woman you love just because you were scared of hurting me. I need you to know that I'm a big girl, I can handle heartbreak and i'm not the first one to experience it."

Me: "Jessica." she stops me by lifting her hand.

Jessie: "All along you have been pushing this polygamy sh*t as an excuse to not hurt my feelings. I want you to know that lying about loving me just because you trying to keep me in your life will not only hurt us but you also will be holding me back from getting my own true love."

Me: "I'm sorry I wasn't honest."

Jessie: "I understand how you felt. Just work on getting Ama to trust you again and also fix your relationship with Simi. Simi should always be coming first to you, you need to work on your parenting skills dude."

Me: "Thank you so much Maka Milani."

Jessie: "No problem. I need you to sponsor a mini vacation I intend on taking soon..."

Me: "No problem."

Jessie: "I also need a new car."

Me: "Aybo! Uyangikhwatha phela manje!"

Jessie: "Hey! You broke my heart so this is the least you can do."

Me: "Again i'm sorry. You send me pictures and price, I will have it delivered to your house."

Jessie: "Thanks. You will also be explaining to your youngest daughter why her parents aren't together anymore." I sigh.

Me: "Fine by me."

RESTORED HEARTOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora