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Somehow my ex-boyfriend's mother heard about my 'incident' and so here she is to see me. I honestly don't know how to even feel or act about this lady following me everywhere.

His mom: "MaZulu."

Me: "Hi mah."

his mom: "I know I have become a nuisance but i'm really worried about you and how you are coping with everything you are going through. I know you may think maybe i'm here on some agenda, or whatever reason but I want you to know that I genuinely care about you. I like you so much and I pretty much understand what you're going through."

Me: "Thank you for caring mah."

his mom: "No problem. Let me leave these and leave you." She says walking to my bedside table and places a treat basket and a takeaway bag on it.

Me: "Thank you mah."

his mom: "Oh and I kind of told Simi that you are here and I know she will here as soon as it hits Friday." I giggle.

Me: "I don't mind mah, i'd be happy to see her."

his mom: "Okay bye sis." she hugs me lightly then walks out. I sigh exhaustively then start eating my food.


Later on, bhuti drops by with Lindo. They both just sit on the visitors couches quietly. Bhuti is just staring at me while Lindo is glued to his phone.

Bhuti: "How are you?"

Me: "In pain but i'm getting better." he nods exhaling. I turn to Lindo.

Me: "Hey you."

Lindo: "Hi." he doesn't even look at me.

Me: "How was school?"

Lindo: "Fine."

Bhuti: "Put that phone away, your sister is talking to you nje."

Lindo: "But I don't want to talk!"

Bhuti: "Yewena!"

Me: "Bhuti please. Muyeke." he shakes his head.

Bhuti: "How is your wound anyway?"

Me: "It's not as painful as it was before so it's getting better." I'm lying, it hurts like a b*tch especially when during the night and in the early mornings.

Bhuti: "I have hired a stay-in nurse for you who will be looking after you once you have been discharged. She will help with the chores around the house since Lindo has school."

Me: "Thank you."

Bhuti: "What?! I thought you were going to be stubborn about this."

Me: "I can't really be stubborn when I haven't healed."

Bhuti: "I will also be making sure that your therapist has some sessions with you."

Me: "Therapist yani futhi manje?!"

Bhuti: "Kinati."

Me: "Fine." I keep quiet a bit then I remember.

Me: "Bhuti, uthi who brought me here?"

Bhuti: "I did." he frowns.

Me: "Aybo? Where was Natalie?"

Bhuti: "Angimazi." he answers frowning even more.

Me: "I collapsed right in front of her that day."

Bhuti: "What did she want?"

Me: "She mentioned something about her father being sick and I stopped her from telling me more then I collapsed."

Bhuti: "Strange, but I will find out if something odd happened."

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