Chapter 14: Unspoken feeling

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Lakhsya's pov

As days passed and I found myself stepping into the 10th class, a new sense of responsibility settled over me. It wasn't just about the academics anymore; it was about laying the foundation for my future while cherishing the moments of the present. I've always believed in the balance between diligence and enjoyment, and now more than ever, I felt the weight of that balance.

My family has been my rock, my constant support system throughout my journey. Their unwavering belief in me fuels my drive to succeed. Whether it's my parents' encouraging words or my siblings' playful banter, their presence fills me with a sense of warmth and assurance. I know that no matter what challenges lie ahead, I have them by my side.

Among my friends, I find camaraderie and shared experiences that make each day a little brighter. Together, we navigate the complexities of adolescence, exchanging laughter, advice, and occasional mischief. They are the ones who keep me grounded, reminding me to enjoy the journey amidst the pursuit of goals. With them, every school day becomes an adventure, filled with moments of camaraderie and friendship.

And then there are my teachers, the guiding lights who illuminate the path to knowledge and success. Their dedication to shaping young minds inspires me to strive for excellence in everything I do. From imparting invaluable lessons in the classroom to offering guidance outside of it, they play a pivotal role in my academic journey. With their support and mentorship, I feel empowered to reach for the stars and achieve my dreams.

As I reflect on the road ahead, I am filled with a sense of gratitude for all that surrounds me. The opportunities, the relationships, the experiences—they all contribute to shaping the person I am and the person I aspire to be. With determination in my heart and a smile on my face, I embrace the challenges and joys that await me in the 10th class. This is not just a new chapter in my academic journey; it's a chance to grow, to learn, and to seize every moment with enthusiasm and purpose.

Paking my school bag, I descended from the stairs and caught sight of my mom sitting at the dining table, her expression tinged with sadness. Determined to lift her spirits, I approached her quietly and enveloped her in a warm back hug.

"Good morning, mumma," I murmured, pressing a kiss to her left cheek. She chuckled softly in response and returned my greeting.

"Good morning, dear. Come, have your breakfast. I've made pohe for you and puri chole for your tiffin." Her thoughtful gesture filled me with gratitude, and I couldn't help but express it.

"You're the best, mumma," I said, settling into my chair as she served me breakfast and joined me at the table for her own meal.

As I sat at the dining table with my mom, the morning sunlight filtering through the windows, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. My mom's usual cheerful demeanor was tinged with a hint of sadness, casting a shadow over the otherwise bright morning. Sensing her unease, I couldn't help but inquire about my dad's whereabouts.

"Where is dad?" I asked, hoping to ease her troubled expression.

Her response only deepened my concern. "He had an early morning flight to Delhi," she replied, her voice carrying a touch of melancholy. "Some urgent work came up at his Delhi branch, so he had to leave."

I frowned at the news, puzzled that my dad hadn't mentioned anything about it the previous day. Despite my curiosity, I didn't press further. Instead, a heavy silence settled between us, accentuating my mom's sorrow.

My dad, a dedicated businessman, was often preoccupied with his work. His commitment to his career was unwavering, and he always prioritized his professional responsibilities. Mom, on the other hand, was the epitome of kindness and gentleness. She possessed a quiet strength that complemented my dad's more stern demeanor.

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