Evening Promenade

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The thin shield of confidence Nisha had faded away when her friend left her alone to dance. Panic rose up as the young woman watched her friend enjoy the dancefloor. Now she was left to fend for herself. She gave a sideway glance to her left, tightening her sticky fists as he took a step closer to her.

"It does seem awfully fun. Two people holding each other close, getting lost in the melodious music and soulful gaze of their partner. Would you like to dance?" Gulping, cognac eyes averted their gaze to the other side of the table, saddened to see there was no one else around. The tips of her fingers held onto the soft shirts of her beautiful dress. If she had to run, she would be more than ready.

Smooth fingers shocked her bare shoulders, and an audible gasp escaped berry lips. Her shoulders jerked away as her hip hit the table. Sticky fingers touched the pink lace tablecloth to stop the shaking. Swell, she nearly knocked down the table all because she was scared. A quick thought passed her mind wondering if others were watching his actions if anyone would tell him to stop.

Delight was shimmering in cornflower eyes, his hands going back to the magnetic field of her dusky skin. Gasparini steadied her body back, pulling her close enough for his scent to invade her space. He smelled like musk and something earthy that drew her in.

"Don't be so afraid. I promise the dance would be worth your wild."

Nisha refused to make eye contact with him, scared he would hypnotize her with his beautiful eyes. She moved back a step, removing her hand from his to regain clarity, "I do not believe that's a good idea. As you can tell I will only make us look foolish if I accidentally knock us down." That only made his eagerness grow, catching hold of her small wrist and pulling her back to him.

"Not to worry. You need a well-versed partner like myself to hold you tight and guide you through the dancefloor."

Nisha watched his pretty eyes as his head leaned closer to hers. Bee-stung lips spread in a bashful smile, wringing her wrist out of his hold.

"I'm sure you are quite an excellent dancer, but I do need to wash my hands. It would be unfortunate if I mess up your impeccable suit. I'm sure many other ladies are waiting for your hand." Without waiting for a response, she ran off to exit the ballroom.

Running off to the powder room to wash her hands seemed to be the right response, regret seeped through as the slime on her fingers left a small stain on her pretty dress. Even when she scurried off it was out of second nature to turn and watch his magnetic eyes watch her, drinking her figure in a way she was too young to understand.

When she finished she walked back towards the ballroom but stopped. Her gaze looked out the grand windows and saw the garden sparkling under the glittering moonlight. It was from that impulse Nisha decided to head into the garden. It was beautiful with the full moon shining on the flowers, the fountain glittered in the reflection of its surroundings.

She walked around slowly, heading towards the gazebo. It was already a wonderful view during the day, but at night it transformed into an enchanted garden.

Her mouth opened in awe seeing a butterfly flutter in the evening sky. This would become her secret haven.

"I see that cat caught your tongue again." Curls bounced as Nisha turned behind her. A grimace line was placed on her lips hearing that voice yet again. Did he not know when to give up?

She only wondered how he found out about her quick escape. With hands clean, she clutched her dress on both sides as she gave a full turn in his direction. There was no reason to run this time, at least that was what she told herself to build up some courage.

"I hope it will let go soon. Maybe I could get a turn to catch you and keep your pretty voice." Her chin pointed up as she straightened her shoulders, staying in place as his shoes met her own.

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