The Sun Always Shines in Books

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The library was usually a place of solace for Nisha. Back home, be it rain or shine, the young girl would find herself in the four walls of the library in her town. While she had many hobbies, reading was one she found to comfort her in the best and worst of times. Last summer back in Grantchester, she was determined to read out her entire library's contents (and with much perseverance finished just in time for classes to begin again).

Nisha was always open to learning new information, and getting herself lost in a different world than the one she knew. She was a sucker for classics, Greek myths, and fairytales, but made sure to open herself to all subjects.

When Nisha first found the mayor's library, she thought she found a piece of paradise. Three walls were filled with books, and two big windows were straight across from the mahogany doors. It was big, with several pillars of bookshelves in every corner. Some art pieces hung on the wall and busts near the windows.

For some time, she browsed the books, fingers passing on the leather and hardcover spines looking at the Italian and English titles. She picked an art book that had colored pictures instead of words, giving it the edge she needed.

She sat on one of the big plush armchairs in the center of the room, pulling her feet under her legs as she got comfortable. Shoulders relaxing, Nisha found herself engrossed in the book, her eyes drinking in the replicated images of several famous paintings and sculptures with their backgrounds being explained.

Her wild curls became a pillow as she became more comfortable nestling in the armchair. Nisha didn't know how fast the time flew by the time she reached halfway through the book. There was so much she wanted to learn, and could only dream to do herself. While she loved to draw, she stuck to nature and realism. There was a desire to explore beyond her comfort zone, but she was happy with what she accomplished for now. Maybe if she had the right teacher, she could be guided to push beyond her limits.

The only thing that could stop her from reading was hunger. Nisha had an insatiable appetite and she would never be apologetic about it. When her tummy rumbled, she knew it was time to take a break. Stretching her limbs, she put the book down and went to the kitchen.

Whenever she would go to the kitchen, it was usually bustling with many chefs making meals for the mayor's family. The kitchen staff was usually kind to Nisha, happy to see the young girl enjoying her meals with no complaints. Today, though, they seemed busier than usual.

Tentative steps were taken to the room, embodying the rustic ambiance and earthy colors from the land. The polished marble and wood did not seem to hold the same pristine of the rest of the home, yet the homeliness of the beige walls and the massive brick oven reminded her of a fairytale. Instead of being in the lavish mansion, her mind was taken to a forest, surrounded by trees and woodland creatures helping her bake.

Her dreams were hidden in her heart. If anyone were to know her dreams of being the modern Snow White, she would be ridiculed. Nisha's father would dismiss them, saying she was more than a bumbling princess, and that her brain was too useful to waste. Maria would mock her for having childish fantasies, saying that she needed to grow up a bit more.

Sometimes, Nisha wished she could live in her bubble of fantasy forever. Her honey eyes scanned the kitchen, the cooks moving about prepping for dinner the evening.

In the corner of her eye, the young girl saw the flash of little feet pattering on the marble floor. She recognized it was the mayor's youngest child, Gino she believed his name was. He was three and had an older sister, Elena, who was four. For being so young they had a good grasp of English and Italian, Nisha had no doubt it was the Mayor's doing.

She would engage in playing with them in some dress-up, and also tea time. They were quick on their feet, making messes and running away as they pulled Nisha's tangled locks. She would've gotten annoyed with them, but it was hard seeing Gino's pretty lashes and light blue eyes, and Elena's pretty chestnut locks hiding her cherub smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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