Chapter 22

16 2 4

20 March 2025

Amara's Pov...

"I know you didn't expect to see me here, but I'm sure you know why." Chun said, and I slowly nodded my head, realizing Kai must've been the reason she was here, "Look I felt some type of way as one would, so I took that out on you. Not because you had done something wrong, but because you are everything I wish I could be."Like? I thought long and hard to myself.

"Perfect. The guy I fell in love with you wants you and has kicked me to the side as though nothing happened. My cousin cares about you more than he does for me." She faced the ground, avoiding eye contact after her last sentence.

"What makes you think that about Kai?" I queried, "He wouldn't have forced me here to come and make it right if it wasn't for the fact that he did care. He does so many things that normally he would never do. Like allowing for people to get close to him, you even went to his house the other day without him there." I paused for a moment, "How do you know about those details?" I shot back at her, "He told me everything whilst giving me a long lecture about how I shouldn't and I quote 'fuck with you'."

I took a moment to process everything she had said. She remained silent, eyes still glued to the ground. Kai and I have gotten closer, shall I say, over the course of these few weeks, but I hadn't thought that that far. He actually cared...
I don't know why it shocks me to hear that, even though he hadn't hesitated to help me. Even the things he says, it hadn't clocked in that he might genuinely care for me.

"I wanna make things right between us. And perhaps maybe start over." She said, looking directly at me. "How do you plan on doing that?" I asked as she reached for a plastic bag next to her. Miguel was quickly alerted and stood up, ready to attack at any given moment, "I won't harm her." She said, reassuring Miguel. She took out a vase from the plastic bag, "In the Chinese culture, a vase symbolizes peace. And peace is the one thing I want between us. I know that I was the one who had caused the tension between us, and I know in your eyes it may take more than a simple vase to fix it, but accept this as a peace offering." I took a moment, appreciating the kind gesture. 'What if she might be serious?' A voice in my head had questioned, but I wasn't too sure if I believed this whole charade just yet.

"You don't need to forgive me right now, but it will bring me peace knowing you took this vase as your own, knowing what it symbolizes in my culture. And plus a couple of Daisy's and it will compliment your apartment." She said, trying to lighten the mood. She handed me the vase, and I took it, admiring the details. It didn't seem like an ordinary vase. It had so much detail around it, which was captivating. There was Chinese writing on it, accompanied by a picture of a woman. It was beautiful and seemed to be one-of-a-kind. "Thank you!" I said, and she rose from her seat, "I hope from here we will be good friends or at least be able to tolerate each other. I'll be on my way, I have somewhere to be." She said, excusing herself. Miguel walked to the door, and she was gone.

"You don't actually believe that bullcrap she's selling to you." Miguel said, inspecting the vase to ensure that nothing suspicious was on it, "Well Miguel, sir , I choose to see the good in everyone." He just looked at me in disbelief, "Look, it's not like I believe her entirely, but I would like to try and work things out, you know." He shook his head, "And this is why people like you get killed. You can't see black for black and white for white. You are seeing grey." I rolled my eyes, "Cmon." I pleaded, "Unlike you I'm not gullible so no I don't trust that squinting-eyed bitch." I just stared at him in shock, "What did you call her." "You heard me the first time." He said unfazed. I clapped my hands together and covered my mouth in shock, "But nonetheless I'll be there to do my job." He said exiting the kitchen.

It was definitely way to early to be dealing with Chun and her moods, though I did quite appreciate the gesture.

Today I had planned to finally make an appearance at work. Though many won't want me there, we gotta keep our foot on these bitches necks. Of course a saying known by Eliana.

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