Chapter 18

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9 March 2025

Amara's POV

(Knock knock)

"What are you doing here." I questioned confused to why he is here at on a busy yet peaceful Sunday, "I miss you." He said avoiding my eyes, "Ty nows not the time." I attempted closing the door but he put his foot in the way stopping me, "Ty please leave me alone." I shot back, "I'm sorry for what I did. Can we talk first." "No I don't want to talk to you." "Please." He pleaded and eventually I had let him in.

Where is Eliana when you need her the most,  but again she did save me.

We sat down and I waited for him to speak but he remained silent, eyes glued to the ground. I was getting really impatient and also irritated with this so I asked him again what he was doing here.

"I want to start over." He said, "And why would you want that?" I said back, "Because I realized what a mistake it was for me to leave you, especially in the way I did it. You really didn't deserve that..." "Interesting." I said slowly trying to understand where all of this was coming from, "Can we start over... as friends." "You know your little confession got my friend hurt." I said to him, "What do you mean hurt." "Your little girlfriend came and tried to kill us, well me, Eliana tried helping me and got hurt in the process." He remained silent and based off the look on his face he wasn't expecting her to have done that.

"I'll talk to her for you then, but I just want peace between the both of us." I let out a deep breath, "I wouldn't mind that but I don't trust you." He swallowed hard, "That's fine, I'll work on gaining your trust, just please can we try again." I thought about it and I wasn't sure on how I should feel about it all, "I can give you time if you need it, but I want to make it up to you." He suggested and I told him that I needed time to think. We left the conversation there and he left.

Now here I am all alone with my thoughts. A very dangerous postion for a person like me to be in.
He was a confusing and lost soul. He says all these things but he was the one who put all of us in this position. Now there's a psychotic hun on the loose because the guy SHE liked wants ME.


His sudden change in tone is also suspicious. According to him, Chun made him happy so what's going on. And he never failed to show it so what changed...

Nonetheless I didn't want to indulge in all that and let all that bother me. I had other business to attend to, and when I mean business I mean my job. I'll be alone this time around since Eliana's still injured and not feeling the best, because of the whole thing but hey gotta work for that bag as Eliana would put it.

At the club...

"You!" Somebody shouted. I wasn't sure if that was directed at me so I continued on with what I was doing. Then again that same voice appeared larger from behind me. It was deep and husky. When I had turned around, there was an old man-who appeared to be in their late 50s early 60s- standing behind me. He reeked of whiskey. That stench was painful to the nostrils, I wasn't even sure for how long I'd be able to endure such.

"Yes sir, how can I help you." "I've seen you from somewhere." He said not able to properly keep himself upright, "From where?" I questioned raising an eyebrow, "Don't be playing hard to get with me sweetheart." The old man said. I wasn't sure what he was getting at but he was creeping me out so I got up and tried leaving but he grabbed my arm. Shit.

I could feel my heart racing and too much blood pumping in my body.

They always say that when you as a girl find yourself in a situation like that, just obey and follow what the guy says to be safe.

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