Chapter 21

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18 March 2025

Kai POV...

Days had gone by since that dream. Everytime I close my eyes I think about her and my buddy down her reacts a little too much. So its safe to say that I hadn't gotten much sleep because of it.

I had been looking for distractions and the main one was Chun. For days she had suddenly disappeared off the face of the country. She knows she fucked up.

I knew that with my ability alone I wouldn't be able to bring her back. She is highly skilled and trained in what she does, thanks to the connections out family has. So I thought of the best thing to do; and that was to pay my old man a visit.

"Kai, it's always lovely to see you here." Phoebe said opening the door. I didn't even bother entertaining her nonsense and headed straight for my father's office.

"We're in a mood today aren't we, Kai baby!" She shouted as I walked by. Again I continued to ignore her, she wasn't the focus point at the moment.

"你对不请自来进入我的办公室感到太自在了." (You're getting too comfortable with entering my office uninvited.)  My father said not leaving his eyes from the papers set in front of him, "你的侄女正在破坏你心爱的为已故妻子报仇的计划." (your niece is ruining your beloved plan to avenge your late wife.)

With that sentence alone, he stopped everything he was doing and paid careful attention to what I was saying.

I explained the situation to him and he was beyond disappointed in her actions. "我们抚养并训练了她,让她变得更好。她到底在做什么?" (We've raised and trained her to be better than this. What the fuck is she doing?) He said drinking a glass of one of his favorite bottles of whiskey, Jack Daniel's. "和她说话。我们不能承担计划中的未尽事宜." (speak to her. we cannot afford loose ends in the plan.) He took out his phone and made one call. His expression was unreadable and his tone didn't differ at all. You wouldn't be able to believe that he was losing his shit with the way he is talking.

One hour later...

(Knock knock)

The door creaked opened and there she was. After a weak of no contact or communication, she was back like nothing ever happened. I could feel the anger and frustration rising and coursing through my veins with every minute that went by, but I tried my very best to remain still and keep my composure as this wasn't the time nor place for all that.

"侄女坐下." (sit down niece.) He asked her and she did so, in the empty seat across from me.

"你表弟说你在威胁那个女孩。这是真的?"(your cousin says that you're threatening the girl. is this true?) She just simply nodded her head in agreement with what he had said, "我和你父亲做了什么交易?" (what was the deal i made with your father.) He asked calmly "但叔叔你没有睁开眼睛。是她,凯爱上了她,这毁了我必须做的一切。" (but uncle you are not opening your eyes. its her, Kai is inlove with her and its ruining everything, i had to do something.) She said in rapid speed. I was confused to what arrangement that they made but I remained silent trying to understand, "叔叔请。我求求你别..." (uncle please. i beg you please don't...) she pleaded with him and he pointed his finger out to tell her to stop.

"你应该相信你的表弟,而你的这个小伎俩可能会破坏我们计划寻找她的一切。如果我送你回家就太了,这样我就可以和你做一笔交易。去向那个女孩道歉,否则我们就放弃你的任务,然后我送你回家。" (You are suppose to trust your cousin, and this little stunt of yours could blow everything that we have planned to find her. it would be too sudden if i were to send you back home, so i can make you a deal. Go and apologize to the girl or we relinquish you from the mission and I'll personally take you back home.) My father said and she stood up, slamming her fists onto the table. My father, unfazed, let her throw her little tantrum, "这不公平叔叔。当你看到我是对的时候你会后悔的。" (this is not fair uncle. When you see im right you'll regret this. All of this!) She shouted, storming out the room not forgetting to send me a deadly glare.

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